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INFORMATION ATTENTION:- The summary note completes family traits I, the PowerPoint discusses as an introduction to nervous system. Download the document.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION ATTENTION:- The summary note completes family traits I, the PowerPoint discusses as an introduction to nervous system. Download the document."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION ATTENTION:- The summary note completes family traits I, the PowerPoint discusses as an introduction to nervous system. Download the document and thoroughly read. Answer all questions in your basic science JS3work book. Chapters 1, 10, and 16.

2 Click and read note

3 Questions 1 What is the probability that Bob will have sickle cell disease?

4 Choose only one option Questions 2 Which of the following is an example of a genetic condition? A) Measles B) Haemophilia C) Flu (influenza)

5 By Mr Mordi

6 The functions of the nervous system They are to collect information from the internal and external environment. Process the information : that is interpret and Then act upon the information.

7 Print and paste chat below Nervous coordination Central nervous system BrainSpinal cord Peripheral nervous system Sensory systemSensory nerves Sense Organs(receptors ) Somatic nervous system Spinal nervesCranial nerves Autonomic nervous system Sympathetic system Para sympathetic

8 Print and paste chat below

9 The members Brain Spinal cord All the sense organs and the nerves Which include the eye, nose, ears, the tongue and the skin.

10 Need for a nervous system The body is large and complex, and so we need to communicate fast and effectively The to maintain order and smooth flow of information, avoid confusion.

11 Need for a nervous system To group things and properly sort them in to their proper category. To solve problems by having a good record of past memory(association with previous events).

12 Need for a nervous system To make interpretation easy and be able to decide what to do and so give the right instructions. To generate (create ) new actions, words, conclusion.

13 How does our nervous system work then? Our sense organs contain special receptor cells which will detect a change in our surroundings (a stimulus) The receptor cells will change the stimulus into an electrical impulse which is passed along nerve cells The message will usually go to the brain which will then process it The brain then sends a message along nerves to an effector organ (usually a muscle or a gland) The effector organ will then give a response (e.g. a muscle will move, or a gland will produce a hormone)

14 The parts of the brain

15 A cross section reveals more

16 Contact: Email Phone: 08173937223

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