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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Rights and Responsibilities: Parent’s or child’s? Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Rights and Responsibilities: Parent’s or child’s? Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Rights and Responsibilities: Parent’s or child’s? Unit 3 TermsUnit 3 terms Cont. Parenting Styles & Skills Negative or Positive Reinforcement

2 Expression of personal feelings

3 What is children’s rights The answer in the form of a question is:

4 Make educational and medical decisions

5 What is parent’s rights The answer in the form of a question is:

6 To be trustworthy and honest

7 What is a child’s responsibility The answer in the form of a question is:

8 To protect from harm

9 What is parent’s responsibility The answer in the form of a question is:

10 To care for possessions

11 What is child’s responsibilities The answer in the form of a question is:

12 A penalty inflicted on a child for violation

13 What is punishment The answer in the form of a question is:

14 The mental picture a person has of themselves; Their opinion of themselves

15 What is self concept The answer in the form of a question is:

16 The ability to control one’s actions

17 What is self control The answer in the form of a question is:

18 Ideas about right and wrong and what is important in your life **DAILY DOUBLE**

19 What is values The answer in the form of a question is:

20 What a person is capable of becoming.

21 Potential The answer in the form of a question is:

22 Conditions or situations to which is entitled.

23 What is rights The answer in the form of a question is:

24 Providing love, support, attention, and environment.

25 What is nurturing The answer in the form of a question is:

26 A person that someone admires and wishes to pattern his or her behavior after

27 What is role model The answer in the form of a question is:

28 Repeatedly acting the same way

29 What is being constant, or consistency. The answer in the form of a question is:

30 An obligation or duty for which a person is held accountable

31 What is responsibility The answer in the form of a question is:

32 A parenting style where parents are highly demanding with little or no affection.

33 What is Authoritarian The answer in the form of a question is:

34 A parenting style where the leader shares, is people oriented and is open minded.

35 What is Democratic The answer in the form of a question is:

36 A type of parenting style that allows freedom; parenting behavior that is tolerant of practices disapproved of by others.

37 What is Permissive The answer in the form of a question is:

38 help in learning acceptable behavior

39 What is guidance The answer in the form of a question is:

40 Training that corrects, molds, and perfects ones actions

41 What is discipline The answer in the form of a question is:

42 Using a sticker chart to get a 5 year old to do their chores is what kind of reinforcement?

43 What is positive reinforcement The answer in the form of a question is:

44 Telling a 7 year old “Good job! That looks beautiful”, after they have painted a picture is known as what kind of reinforcement?

45 What is positive The answer in the form of a question is:

46 Providing posters in a classroom that has the classroom “Do not” list.

47 What is negative The answer in the form of a question is:

48 Making a 14 year old come home right after school and stay in all night for two weeks because they have failed to turn in so many assignments in school that they are now failing.

49 What is negative The answer in the form of a question is:

50 Ground a child for 1 week for hitting their sibling.

51 What is negative The answer in the form of a question is:

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