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By: Jacob Harrs. Hometown: Charlotte, NC  Attractions Carowinds US National Whitewater Center  Random Facts 18 th most populous city in the US Named.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jacob Harrs. Hometown: Charlotte, NC  Attractions Carowinds US National Whitewater Center  Random Facts 18 th most populous city in the US Named."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jacob Harrs

2 Hometown: Charlotte, NC  Attractions Carowinds US National Whitewater Center  Random Facts 18 th most populous city in the US Named after the German princess, Charlotte of Mecklenburg

3 City 1: Orlando, FL  Attractions Disney World Universal Studios SeaWorld  Random Facts 27 th largest metropolitan area in the US 71 completed skyscrapers

4 City 2: Salt Lake City, UT  Attractions Bonneville Salt Flats Skiing/Snowboarding  Random Facts Largest city in Utah

5 City 3: New York, New York  Attractions Statue of Liberty Rockefeller Center Central Park  Random Facts Most populous city in the US Most linguistically diverse city in the world

6 City 4: Washington DC  Attractions Capitol Building Washington Monument Multiple Smithsonian Museums  Random Facts The population rises 400,000 people during the workweek

7 Distances  Charlotte to SLC (1725 Miles)  Charlotte to DC (330 miles)  Charlotte to NY (534 miles)  Charlotte to Orlando (461 miles)  SLC to DC (1843 miles)  SLC to NY (1970 miles)  SLC to Orlando (1935 miles)  DC to NY (206 miles)  DC to Orlando (751 miles)  NY to Orlando (932 miles)

8 Charlotte, NC Salt Lake City, UT Orlando, FL Washington DC New York, NY DC Orlando NYC SLC Orlando NYC SLC DC SLC DC NYC Orlando DC NYC DC Orlando SLC NYC DC SLC DC Orlando SLC NYC SLC NYC SLC Orlando NYC SLC Orlando Charlotte, NC 1725 330 534 461 1843 1970 1935 751 932 206 1843 751 932 1935 206 1970 751 206 932 751 932 206 932 1935 932 1970 1935 1970 206 1843 1970 206 1970 1843 751 1843 1935 751 1935 1843 932 206 751 1970 1935 932 1970 1843 206 1935 1843 751 206 751 1970 1935 932 1970 1843 206 1935 1843 751 534 461 330 1725 534 330 461 534 1725 461 534 461 1725 534 330 1725 330 534 1725 461 330 1725 330 461 5785 5167 5128 5151 5708 5113 5708 5520 5128 4902 5574 5536 5113 5559 5236 5167 4902 4979 5151 4979 5574 5785 4986 5559

9 Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (Distance)

10 Nearest Neighbor (Distance)  Charlotte to DC to NYC to Orlando to SLC to Charlotte  5128 miles  Advantages Start and end at home town  Disadvantages Not the shortest path possible

11 Sorted Edges Algorithm (Distance)

12 Sorted Edges (Distance)  NYC to DC to Charlotte to Orlando to SLC to NYC.  4902 miles  Advantages Shortest Path Possible  Disadvantages Does not start or end at home town

13 Kruskal’s Algorithm (Distance)

14 Kruskal’s (Distance)  Charlotte to DC to NYC; Charlotte to SLC; and Charlotte to Orlando  2722 miles  Advantages Shortest route  Disadvantages Not realistic No return to home town

15 Charlotte, NC Salt Lake City, UT Orlando, FL Washington DC New York, NY DC Orlando NYC SLC Orlando NYC SLC DC SLC DC NYC Orlando DC NYC DC Orlando SLC NYC DC SLC DC Orlando SLC NYC SLC NYC SLC Orlando NYC SLC Orlando Charlotte, NC $134 $69 $72 $79 $82 $56 $63.99 $154 $102 $82 $154 $194.01 $56 $102 $194.01 $63.99 $72 $79 $69 $72 $69 $79 $134 $72 $134 $79 $72 $79 $134 $72 $69 $134 $69 $72 $134 $79 $69 $134 $69 $79 $194.01 $102 $154 $63.99 $56 $194.01 $63.99 $82 $102 $56 $82 $154 $63.99 $56 $82 $63.99 $82 $56 $82 $102 $82 $154 $102 $154 $56 $194.01 $154 $56 $154 $194.01 $63.99 $194.01 $102 $63.99 $102 $194.01 $546 $545.01 $443 $427.99 $502.99 $486.99 $502.99 $460.99 $443 $460 $519.01 $578.01 $486.99 $563 $578.01 $643.01 $460 $503.01 $427.99 $503.01 $519.01 $546 $460.99 $563

16 Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (Cost)

17 Nearest Neighbor (Cost)  Charlotte to DC to NYC to Orlando to SLC to Charlotte  $443  Advantages Start and end at home town  Disadvantages Not the lowest possible cost

18 Sorted Edges Algorithm (Cost)

19 Sorted Edges (Cost)  NYC to DC to Charlotte to Orlando to SLC to NYC  $460  Advantages There are none  Disadvantages Not the lowest possible cost Does not start or end at home town

20 Kruskal’s Algorithm (Cost)

21 Kruskal’s (Cost)  DC to Orlando to SLC; DC to Charlotte; DC to NYC  $290.99  Advantages Lowest cost  Disadvantages Not possible Can’t return to home town

22 Itinerary Departure Place DestinationDeparture Date and Time Flight Number DistanceCost Charlotte, NCSalt Lake City, UT March 1, 2011 8:00AM Delta 24751725 Miles$134 Salt Lake City, UT Orlando, FLMarch 8, 2011 2:04 PM Delta 2793/2199 1935 Miles$102 Orlando, FLWashington DC March 15, 2011 1:26 PM Delta 3251/2099 751 Miles$63.99 Washington DC New York, New York March 22, 2011 11:27 AM American Airlines 4448 206 Miles$56 New York, New York Charlotte, NCMarch 30, 2011 4:26 PM US Airways 1632 534 Miles$72


24 Works Cited  Google Images   Wikipedia  l.htm l.htm

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