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STUDENT NURSE SKILLS FOR SUCCESS Basic Nursing: Foundations of Skills & Concepts Chapter 3.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT NURSE SKILLS FOR SUCCESS Basic Nursing: Foundations of Skills & Concepts Chapter 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT NURSE SKILLS FOR SUCCESS Basic Nursing: Foundations of Skills & Concepts Chapter 3

2 Learning is... The act or process of acquiring knowledge and/or skill in a particular subject.

3 The Key to Success Success depends not on how you are taught but on how you choose to learn.

4 Choosing to Learn In order to effect change on your behavior, you need a positive attitude about learning.

5 Attitude is... A manner, feeling, or position toward a person or thing.

6 Strategies for Building a Positive Attitude: Create positive self-images Visualize the attainment of goals Recognize Your Abilities Identify realistic expectations

7 Some Confidence Builders Recognizing your abilities (competencies in various activities) is an attitude builder. Avoiding perfectionism. Perfection is a standard no one can live up to, and sets you up for failure. Developing your basic skills.

8 The Basic Skills Reading Arithmetic & Mathematics Writing Listening Speaking

9 Reading Skills Vocabulary building Comprehension Achieving appropriate reading level

10 Arithmetic & Mathematics Skills In nursing, your mastery of mathematical basic skills cannot be overemphasized. You will be responsible for calculating dosages and administering medications.

11 Writing Skills As a nurse you will write: Client assessments Transfer summaries Discharge summaries Client-teaching plans Potential policy development Potential contributions to professional journals

12 Listening Skills Be interested in your subject. Be open to the information. Try not to be critical of the speaker. Concentrate on the information. Evaluate the information. Write down questions as you listen.

13 Speaking Skills Nursing is a speaking-oriented profession. Understand why you are asking the question Know when to ask the question

14 Learning Strategies Know your learning style. Manage your time. Develop a study strategy. Practice Critical Thinking.

15 Your Learning Style A learning style is how you best receive, process, and assimilate information on a particular subject.

16 Classification of Learning Style Visual…learner thinks in pictures. Auditory…learner learns best by hearing and listening. Kinesthetic…learner learns by touch, movement, imitation and practice.

17 Time Management A system to help meet goals through problem solving.

18 Strategies for Time Management Analyzing your time commitments. Knowing yourself. Clarifying your goals. Setting priorities. Disciplining yourself to carry out our plan until your goal is reached. Knowing your learning style. Manage your time.

19 Develop a Study Strategy Set up the environment. Gather your resources. Minimize interruptions. Set up your study plan. Note taking. Get to know the textbook.

20 Focus on Study Plan Preview the material to be studied. Consider the chapter heading. Read the objectives for the chapter. Scan the vocabulary section and end-of- chapter summary and questions. Set up your questions. Read and take notes. Reflect on connections you can make between the material and client care. Recite or create your individual learning style cues. Review or summarize information. End with a critical thinking question.

21 Note Taking When taking notes in class focus on... The topic…write it at the top of the page. The main ideas and details that support the topic. The most important points, based on the speaker’s organization and emphasis.

22 Note-Taking Guidelines Do not take notes with the intent of writing them over. Print or use a laptop if your handwriting is sloppy. Use symbols or abbreviations as you can. Review notes as soon as possible after class.

23 Strategies to Develop Critical Thinking Recall the facts. Group facts into a pattern and organize the data. Associate this information with an experience or action. Practice “what if” scenarios. Discuss these questions with peers and your instructor. Postulate new solutions.

24 Develop Your Test-Taking Skills Analyze your attitude and expectations. Concentrate on preparation. Minimize anxiety.

25 Improve your Test-Taking Skills Read carefully. Know the vocabulary. Do not infer additional data. Identify priorities correctly. Know the material!

26 Testing Room Tips Get a good seat. Set the mood. Read…do not scan! Consider questions carefully. Do not argue with the question. Plan your time. DO NOT PANIC!!

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