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Process Synchronization.  Whenever processes share things, there is a chance for screwing up things  For example ◦ Two processes sharing one printer.

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Presentation on theme: "Process Synchronization.  Whenever processes share things, there is a chance for screwing up things  For example ◦ Two processes sharing one printer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Synchronization

2  Whenever processes share things, there is a chance for screwing up things  For example ◦ Two processes sharing one printer ◦ Two processes updating one database record ◦ Two processes sharing a single counter

3  Two processes – one a producer of something, and one a consumer of something  The producer produces something and places the something into a buffer  The consumer consumes the something, taking the something out of the buffer  Once again two processes are sharing something – the buffer

4 repeat :while counter = 0 do no-op; produce an item in nextp (buffer is empty) :nextc := buffer[out]; while counter = n do no-op;out := out + 1 mod n; (buffer is full)counter := counter – 1; buffer[in] := nextp; : in := in + 1 mod n;consume the item in nextc counter := counter + 1; :until false; PRODUCERCONSUMER

5  Note that both the producer and the consumer reference variable counter  In the producer: counter := counter + 1  which in machine language is: ◦ register1 := counter; ◦ register1 := register1 + 1; ◦ counter := register1;

6  In the consumer: counter := counter - 1  Which in machine language is: ◦ register2 := counter ◦ register2 := register2 - 1 ◦ counter := register2  counter could be 4, 5 or 6 depending upon where the code is interrupted  For example:

7  counter is at 5 and producer starts:  register1 := counter; register1 = 5  register1 := register1 + 1;register1 = 6  the producer is swapped out and the consumer starts anew  register2 := counter;register2 = 5  register2 := register2 - 1;register2 = 4  the consumer is swapped out and the producer returns  counter := register1;counter = 6  the producer is done, and the consumer returns  counter := register2;counter = 4  counter should be 5!

8  Thus, the accessing of counter is a critical section  What happens above is called a race condition  Must ensure than ONLY one process at a time references counter  We need process synchronization

9  To solve critical section problem, three things are needed ◦ Mutual exclusion – only one at a time ◦ Progress – process moves through event ◦ Bounded waiting – everyone has to get a turn

10  A simple, clean way to support process synchronization  Supported by many OSs and even some processors  A semaphore is nothing more than an integer.  But, this integer can only be accessed (except for initialization) through two atomic operations:

11  wait(s): if s = 0 then go to sleep; s := s – 1;  signal(s): s := s + 1; wakeup sleeping process;

12  To use semaphores, create a structure that looks like the following: repeat : wait(semaphore) : (critical section) : signal(semaphore) : until false;

13  Database update in which you want to lock out all but one concurrent user procedure UpdateDatabase; vars: semaphore (:=1); begin : (prompt user for data) : wait(s); Update(record); signal(s); : end;

14  CD-ROM reader which allows 5 concurrent users procedure ReadCD; vart: semaphore (:=5); begin : (prompt user for data) : wait(t); ReadCD(buffer); signal(t); : end;

15  Let’s re-visit the producer/consumer problem and solve the problem using semaphores (on the whiteboard)

16 var s: semaphore (:=1); n: semaphore (:=0); e: semaphore (:=sizeofbuffer); procedure producer; begin repeat produce item for buffer; wait (e); wait(s); append to buffer; signal(s); signal(n); forever; end; procedure consumer; begin repeat wait(n); wait(s); take from buffer; signal(s); signal(e); consume item forever; end;

17  When two or more processes have conflicting needs for resources, we have deadlock  Example: P1 holds the disk and wants the tape; P2 holds the tape and wants the disk  Example: P1 has 80K or memory and wants 60K more; P2 has 70K of memory and wants 80K more; there is only 150K total of memory

18  Three conditions must first exist for deadlock to occur: 1.Mutual exclusion 2.Hold and wait 3.No preemption  Then the following must happen: 4.Circular wait  How do you avoid deadlock?

19  Indirect methods – stop one of the conditions 1-3 from happening (not desirable)  Direct methods – stop occurrence of condition 4 from happening  For example: Order all resources from 0 to N. If you have resource m, you can only ask for a resource > m, where Disk=5; Tape=7; Printer=12

20  Really is prevention, but not as restrictive  Avoidance allows the 3 conditions but makes dynamic decisions whether a current resource allocation request will lead to deadlock, such as Bankers’ Algorithm

21  Use an algorithm that can detect cycles in directed graphs  Costly, as OS must maintain graphs and check for cycles

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