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Archiving policies at the ERPANET Seminar Fontainebleau Jan 29-30, 2003

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2 Archiving policies at the ERPANET Seminar Fontainebleau Jan 29-30, 2003

3 Archiving policies 1. Statute and operational tasks 2. Framework for partnerships 3. Archiving needs 4. Experiences 5. Future orientations 6. References Table of content

4 1. Statute and operational tasks Official editor for European institutions and organs by Council decision European Investment Bank European Commission Court of Justice Council of Ministers Committee of the Regions Economic and Social Committee European Parliament Decentralized Agencies

5 1. Statute and operational tasks Operations: out-sourced production, dissemination archiving and commercialization of  Daily print of 3 Official Journals (series C (+CE), L, and S on CD-Rom)  700.000 pages of paper publications, CD-Roms, Web-sites and legal documents  in 11 languages, soon 20  Active participation in working groups on printing and publication technologies

6 2. Framework for partnerships Partners: Authoring entities Printing houses Shipment and sales logistics IT-contractors and services

7 2. Framework for partnerships Rules of functioning: – Council regulations for mandatory publications (OJ) – Public calls for tenders (EU wide) – 3 to 5 year term contracts (renewable) – Service level agreements (institutions) – Guidelines and decisions from board of directors

8 3. Archiving needs What has to be archived and how long?  Legal documents:unlimited  Official Journals:unlimited, as from 1952  Case law:unlimited  Paper series andas long as monographies:clients request  Internal paper files:rules under work  Web-content:volatile, rules under work These preservation rules apply to both paper and electronic documents

9 Implementation  Large public interest in archives (lawyers, administrations, students, SMEs)  Image standards allow global use - TIFF G4 and PDF for Official Journals - PDF for all non-mandatory publications  Exportation and conversion enabled by use of high-level data standards (FORMEX, SGML based grammar for logical document markup, RTF)  Partial data extraction possible (notices in USMARC) for libraries  Optional XML/XSLT formats with new tools  High resource allocation to meta-data generation 3. Archiving needs

10 Implementation - Logical collections NameContentFormats Owner EUDOROJs, DOC-COM,TIFF, PDF, XML, OPOCE (Master base)other publications MPEG,.... CELEXLegislation, second. docsHTML Council/OPOCE EUR-LEXOJs last 45 daysTIFF, PDF, HTML OPOCE TEDRecent calls for tenderDatabase (XML) OPOCE HistoricalSecondary index ofDatabase + Commission archivespaper filesphys. archive ADONISCurrent paper filesPDF + index Commission LEGISWRITEOfficial documentsRTF Commission, in preparation PE, Council

11 Implementation - Example of a DTD

12 Implementation - Example of SGML stream

13 ...... and the corresponding page in PDF..... see ADOBE Acrobat Reader.....

14 What has worked well:  Commitment to application-neutral data format supports open architecture  Separation of content, grammar rules and presentation has proven its worthiness  Usage of XML in transmission protocols very handy  Outsourcing of contracts made archive conversion easy  Stability over 3 to 5 years offers a reasonable cost/revenue ratio  Meta-data generation enhances value of data collections  In-house training allows personnel to update knowledge 4. Experiences (

15 What has worked less well:  Access speed to and transfer capacity from master archive have to be improved (cash technology)  Current image tools fail on legal authentification, digital signature is needed urgently  Fast changing generations of Web tools (HTML, XML) generate high costs in development  Rising number of EU languages does not allow complete update of backlog  Archiving selection criteria are very complex to define 4. Experiences (

16  More investments in user friendly Web-services and meta-data generation (EU-Bookshop)  More transparent interinstitutional data collections  Better user guidance  Cost reduction by centralizing scanning and indexing operations  Enforcing central production tools  Investment in e-Commerce 5. Future priorities

17  European  Office for    TED (Tender Daily)  Historical archives:  EU-Bookshop:planned second half of 2003 6. References Some useful links for EU-Surfers:

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