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Presentation on theme: "DAILY PLANS: SEMESTER TWO GRADE 12 LANGUAGE ARTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Daily Plans: Monday 1-26-15 1. Introduction to course: A. Ice-breakers- Say who you are and tell us your plans after high school

3 Daily Plans: Tuesday 1-27-15 1. Warm-up: Vocab (pwr.-pt. words 1-5) 2. Hand out Onion article Pair up Read article out loud to each other Answer “SOAPS” questions on back Discuss answers (share answers with class)

4 Daily Plans: Wednesday 1-28-15 1. Handout Modest Proposal Graphic Organizer 2. Pair-up Start reading Modest Proposal- read to lines 120 Start filling in graphic organizer – A. ProblemC. Advantages – B. Proposed solutionD. Ironic ending Homework: Handout Vocab 13 & 14 sentences worksheet = DUE FRIDAY 1-30-15

5 Daily Plans: Thursday 1-29-15 1. Warm-up: Vocab (pwr.-pt. words 6-10) 2. Get back to working with partner- same partner you had Wednesday (1-28) and finish reading the rest of Modest Proposal. 3. Discuss the answers to graphic organizer; problem(s), solution(s), advantages, and ironic ending. 4. Review the essay again using power-point notes (review all together as a class)

6 Daily Plans: Friday 1-30-15 1.Warm-up: Vocab. (pwr.-pt. words 11-15) 2.2. Reminders: A. Vocab 13 & 14 sentences worksheet = DUE TODAY!!! B. Modest Proposal quiz will be on Monday 2-2-15, please study. C. Today = last day to turn in weebly contact form message “One thing you are looking forward to learning about this semester.” 3. Handout and explain specifications / directions for Modest Proposal of own project. (Handout with rubric on back) 4. Show clips from You-tube that illustrate different types of satire; Simpsons, Roxbury SNL Guys, Steven Colbert Congressional hearing, M.P. Rap, Presidential impersonators, etc.

7 Daily Plans: Monday 2-2-15 1. Modest Proposal Quiz 2. Modest Proposal activity Discuss top three choices and proposed solutions.

8 Daily Plans: Tuesday 2-3-15 Computer Lab: 1.Do intro to weebly and online textbook instructions worksheet (students get their online textbook codes & get this weeks vocab defs using Weebly) 2. Start research for Modest Proposal of Own project.

9 Daily Plans: Wednesday 2-4-15 Computer Lab: Make sure you have access to online textbook

10 Daily Plans: Thursday 2-5-15 Computer Lab LAST DAY TO FINISH MODEST PROPOSAL PROJECT!!! Make sure you include:A. Intro= serious B. Solution- Sarcastic C. Three advantages-sep par each D. Conclusion

11 Daily Plans: Friday 2-6-15 1.Vocabulary Quiz #1 2.5 extra credit points to anyone who shares their Modest Proposal project 3.Review power-point (speaking) / (qualities of good speaker) 4.Watch epic speech fail (You-Tube Link) Homework: Due Monday 2-9-15 Vocab (side with #9 only) side #11 = extra credit

12 Daily Plans: Monday 2-9-15 1. Warm-up: Vocab worksheet Review week 16 vocab defs (words 21-25) 2. Finish power-point notes for speech projects 3. Review speech packets Homework: Vocab (context clues) week #16 worksheet = Due Friday 2-13-15

13 Daily Plans: Tuesday 2-10-15 If we cannot book computer lab time 1. Warm-up: Journal #1 (pwr.-pt.) Review Journal Writing Guidelines 2. Speech projects

14 Daily Plans: Wednesday 2-11-15 Computer lab (RESEARCH) Tuesday 2-10-15 Wednesday 2-11-15 Thursday 2-12-15 Friday 2-13-15

15 Daily Plans: Friday 2-13-15 Vocab # 2 Quiz (15 points) Computer lab LAST DAY TO MAKE INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINES!! OUTLINES = DUE TUESDAY 2-17!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!


17 Daily Plans: Wednesday 2-18-15 Speeches Thursday 2-19-15 Friday 2-20-15 Monday 2-23-15 Tuesday 2-24-15 Wednesday 2-25-15 = LAST DAY to COMPLETE!!

18 Daily Plans: Monday 2-23-15 Warm-up: Vocab (pwr.-pt.) Finish Informative speeches Handout CC Week 17 Vocab sentences worksheet = DUE THURSDAY 2-26-15 VOCAB QUIZ #3 = THURSDAY Words 31-40

19 Daily Plans: Tuesday 2-24-15 Warm-up: Journal reflection #2 (pwr.-pt.) Finish informative speeches Seniors-You must finish your speech this week before break!!! Period 1: Started Rhyme of Ancient Mariner- Thomas Coleridge A. Students get into groups of three / four B. Each group gets one part to read and summarize (1-7) C. Once everyone reads and summarizes their part we share it with whole class.

20 Daily Plans: Wednesday 2-25-15 Speech evaluations-critique your own speech Rhyme of Ancient Mariner-Thomas Coleridge A. Students get into groups of three / four B. Each group gets one part to read and summarize (1-7) C. Once everyone reads and summarizes their part we share it with whole class.

21 Daily Plans: Thursday 2-26-15 VOCAB #3 QUIZ! Finish RHYME of Ancient Mariner Groups of three-four finish summary

22 Daily Plans: Monday 3-9-15 1. Warm-up: Vocab (pwr.-pt.) Words 41-45 2. Listen to MP3 “Rhyme of Ancient Mariner” 3. Finish notes / prep for open book / notes quiz

23 Daily Plans: Tuesday 3-10-15 1.Warm-up: Vocab. Words 46-50 / CC worksheet. 2.Finish Rhyme of Ancient Mariner notes (pwr.-pt.) 3.Start open book /open notes Rhyme Unit Test Finish tomorrow if we need more time

24 Daily Plans: Wednesday 3-11-15 Finish Rhyme Unit Test Pre-reading Frankenstein activity Start Frankenstein: Power-point / notes Check out books from LRC- --------DO NOT LOSE YOUR BOOK!--------

25 Daily Plans: Thursday 3-12-15 1.Frankenstein Genetic Engineering Presentations -See rubric worksheet (put on board) 1.Power-point notes Frankenstein 2.Start discussion of Preface / Letters 1-2 Homework: -Study for vocab #4 Quiz (Friday) -Finish Reading Assignment – pages 7-24 (Friday)

26 Daily Plans: Friday 3-13-15 1. Vocab Quiz #4 2. Frankenstein- Finish power-point notes 3. Finish discussion of preface & letters 1-4 Homework: Read Chapters 1-4 by Monday *QUIZ on chapters 1-4 Mon 3-16*

27 Daily Plans: Monday 3-16-15 Turn in vocab #18 CC worksheet 1.Frankenstein Reading Quiz: Letters & Chapters 1-4 2.Assign S.A.R.s # 1-3 (See power-pt.) and handout 3.Finish last of power-pt. notes / background (if nec) 4.Start discussion notes of letters and ch. 1-4 (pwr-pt) Homework: 1.S.A.R.s 1-3 = Due Wednesday 3-18-15 2. READ CHAPTERS 5-7 3. Study guide for letters/ch 1-4 = due Monday 3-23-15

28 Important Info. Notes / S.A.R.S 1. YOU HAVE ACCESS TO ONLINE TEXTBOOK (McDougal Green book) See me for access (username/password) 2. USE OUR WEEBLY WEBSITE!!!

29 Daily Plans: Tuesday 3-17-15 Finish background/themes ppt. notes Discussion notes of letters and ch. 1-4 (pwr-pt) Discuss chapters 5-9 (see power-point) Read chapters 8-10 Homework: Finish chapters reading 8-10 Reading Quiz #2 (chapters 5-9) = Wed. 3-18-15!

30 Daily Plans: Wednesday 3-18-15 S.A.R.s 1-3 =Due today!!! Reading Quiz #2 (ch. 5-9) S.A.R.s 4-6 (See power-point) Start discussion / notes from chapters / themes (answer / discuss study guide questions) Homework: 1. S.A.R.s 4-6 2. Study guide chapters 8-10

31 Daily Plans: Thursday 3-19-15 Review power-point notes of study guide questions Hand-out study guide chapters 5-7 Work on S.A.R.s, study guides, reading ch. 10-14 Homework: 1.Finish S.A.R.s 4-6 (Due tomorrow 3-19-15) 2.Study guides: Preface-letters & ch. 1-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-14

32 Daily Plans: Friday 3-20-15 Themes Activity Work / reading time Study guide due dates: Preface, letters, & ch. 1-4 = due Monday 3-23-15 Chapters 5-7 = due Monday 3-23 Ch. 8-10 & ch. 11-14 = Due Wednesday 3-25-15 Homework: Study for reading quiz #3 (chapters 10-16) QUIZ WILL BE MONDAY 3-23-15!!!

33 Daily Plans: Monday 3-23-15 Reading Quiz #3 (Chapters 10-16) Assign S.A.R.s #’s 7-9 = Due Weds. Discussion study guide packets/notes STUDY GUIDE PACKETS = DUE TODAY: A. Preface/letters & B. Chapters 1-4 = due today C. Chapters 5-7 = due today

34 Daily Plans: Tuesday 3-24-15 1. warm-up: Journal #4 2. Reading / work time 3. Start review for Frank final unit test

35 Daily Plans: Wednesday 3-25-15 Frank Unit Test Review Review Study Guide answers for: A. Preface, letters, and Intro B. Chapters 1-4 C. Chapters 5-7 D. Chapters 8-10 and 11-14

36 Daily Plans: Thursday 3-26-15 FRANK UNIT TEST INTRODUCE ESSAY

37 Daily Plans: Friday 3-27-15 Computer Lab Work on Frankenstein essays

38 Daily Plans: Monday 3-31-15

39 Daily Plans: Tuesday 3-31-15

40 Daily Plans: Wednesday 4-1-15

41 Daily Plans: Thursday 4-2-15

42 Daily Plans: Tuesday 4-7-15 Finish Frankenstein movie Start explaining SENIOR PROJECT --Start brainstorming: A.Whether you want to work in group (up to 3 people total) B.What topic/problem/product you want audience to be persuaded to make aware/solve/buy C.What mediums you plan to use (2-3 at least) I.E. T.V., Radio, Internet, print, mobile, social, etc.

43 Daily Plans: Wednesday 4-8-15 NOTES: Power-point notes for MASS COMM Show and explain: What mass comm. is, what is involved, what medium types, and brief outline of impact / history.

44 Daily Plans: Thursday 4-9-15 Continue PPT Notes: MASS COMM. A. Print B. Radio C. T.V. Video clips: “Video Killed the Radio Star” “Philo Farnsworth”

45 Daily Plans: Friday 4-10-15 1.Vocab #5 Quiz 2. Continue PPT notes and video clips: (MASS COMM) Finish television notes Show “A Day made of Glass” Video clips parts 1-2 3. Hand-out and explain SENIOR PROJECT INFORMATION PACKET-Calendar Hand-out and explain Pre-conf. worksheet = required YOU MUST COMPLETE FOR PTS. by Wednesday 4-15

46 Daily Plans: Monday 4-13-15 Warm-up: Vocab (PPT) Words 61-70 Distribute worksheet copies on possible project topics and further explain details necessary for pre-conference worksheet NOTES: PPT Mass Comm. AND Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Further explain senior project

47 Daily Plans: Tuesday 4-14-15 Warm-up: Vocab (PPT) Words 61-70 Sample senior project binders Read / Notes Coca –Cola Article Conference with teacher about topic/group

48 Daily Plans: Wednesday 4-15-15 Start and finish internet notes Start and finish persuasive technique notes Activity- Logos and commercials = find out what appeals to people’s Ethos, Pathos, and Logos and write it down ¾ page reflection assignment = due at end of hour Weds./Thurs. Continue conferences

49 Daily Plans: Thursday 4-16-15 Vocab Week 20 Quiz (words 61-70) (If necessary) Finish conferences Check all notes on Mass Comm. for points! Finish Logo/Commercial activity

50 Daily Plans: Friday 4-17-15 QUIZ: Mass Comm. and persuasion notes Finish conferences about topic for project Turn in CC worksheet for week 20 vocab DUE TODAY—YOU MUST HAND THESE TODAY!! A.Notes on Mass Comm. / Persuasion B.Pre-conference worksheet (all answers!!) C.Commercial / Advertisement (quest. 1-7) = MUST BE ON SEPARATE PAPER!!!

51 Daily Plans: Monday 4-20-15 Vocab Week 20 Quiz (words 61-70)

52 Daily Plans: Tuesday 4-21- thru Friday 4-24 COMPUTER LAB: A. Research


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