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Psychology of thought and intellect

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1 Psychology of thought and intellect

2 Thought - is a psychical process which consists in opening of connections and dependence between objects and phenomena. It is a higher form of the generalized reflection in consciousness of man of the most substantial properties of objects and phenomena of objective reality and their intercommunications.

3 Physiological mechanisms of thinking.
The physiological mechanism of thinking is complex analiso-regular activity of the large hemispheres of a head brain. For process of thinking the greatest importance have those associations, which arise between the brain centres of analyzers. As the activity of separate brain sites is always determined by external irritators, the nervous connections, arising at it, display the appropriate validity connection of subjects and phenomena.

4 It is naturally caused by external irritators of connection and is a physiological basis of thinking. The thinking bases not only on initial connections. The nervous processes at the language centres of a brain take part in formation of process of thinking. Language, is being directly connected to thinking displays the basic interrelation of processes and phenomena, becouse words - is generalizing symbols, not just simple signals.

5 Thought operation Analysis Synthesis Comparison Generalization Abstraction Concretization Classification Systematization

6 The comparison play the important role in cognitive activity of the man. Seeing any unfamiliar subject, we, frequently involuntarily compare it with the seen, one by subjects, we show similarity or difference in any features or attributes. On the basis of similarity and the generalizations of attributes of object we classify them (for example, carry them to an animal or flora). Owing to classification there is a division of sciences (for example: botany or zoology). Comparison - consists in establishment of likeness and (or) difference between objects and phenomena.

7 Classification - a division and next association of objects or phenomena by more common concept
The classification is a distribution and subsequent association of subjects or phenomena (on the basis of common attributes), displaying the classes of different subjects or phenomena. The classification of diseases is under construction of their etiology - infection, tumour, wound, or on a principle of localization, them in organism: internal illnesses, the illness of the intimate systems etc., or the infection (epidemiologia)

8 Analysis - the thought dividing of intelligent material by component parts and extractions of separate features of elements, properties The deep analysis of a line of circumstances is necessary for the correct estimation of the relationships of cause and effect. The analysis is the intellectual process of division of the whole on a part refers to as. The elementary example of it is the study of anatomy of the man, (the partition of a body on a part, bodies and fabrics).

9 Synthesis - thought connection in one whole separate parts.
Synthesis is connected with the analysis, the connection of isolated parts in one whole, for example, at system of organism. The example of the chemical analysis is splitting chemical substances on components, from which with the help of synthesis it is possible to extract other substance. The indissoluble analysis of synthesis and analysis is an example of unity of contrasts.

10 Generalization is the allocation of concerning proof, invariant properties of subjects and their relation. Abstractering is connected with the process of generalization of properties of subjects or phenomena. Abstractering is an allocation of one attributes and restoration of others. To carry out process of thinking, it is necessary not only to distinguish separate properties of objects, but also to imagine these properties separately from the objects. From that fact, that each subject on globe has certain weight, Newton has deduced the law of the world gravitation and by analogy has come to a conclusion about mutual pulling of bodies in the space. He has explained the phenomena having cast and having flown in oceans by pulling of moon.

11 Generalization - a selection of main general, most characteristic signs for a certain object, phenomenon, situation · Abstraction is extraction of separate features of object which is studied.

12 Concretization - thought operation, opposite to abstraction
Classification - a division and next association of objects or phenomena by more common concept Systematization - a conceivable division of objects and phenomena in the set procedure in accordance with existing between their connections.

13 Depending on the contents of a task, which psychology is solved.
There are such kinds of thinking as: working figurative theoretical or word-logic.

14 The working thinking shows us that thinking is solved the task directly during practical activity. The working thinking integral from perception also operates only with objects and by interrelations of things, which are directly perceived. It is connected to a direct manipulation with things. With the help of thinking the man, as well as the animal solves the tasks with the help of object and by operating with them.

15 The figurative thinking: is the operation of thinking is solved with the help of figurative material. There is connection of thinking with practical actions , but is not such direct, as at working thinking. It is more difficult, more generalized than working thinking. This thinking is typical for small children. The rudiments of this kind of thinking there are at higher animals.

16 The theoretical (abstract, word-logic) thinking is typical only for the intellectually advanced man and the task is to solved in the word-quick-witted form. This kind of thinking represents process of generalized display by the man of subjects and phenomena of the objective validity in their important properties, communications and relations. In this activity of the man all listed kinds of thinking are connected.

17 Types of thought by the form of existence Evidently - effective (practical):problem is solving directly in an action, practical activity. Typical for children and higher animals evidently - vivid thought is related to concrete appearances, situations, changes in them. · word - logical (abstract, theoretical, concept) -operating by concepts, judgements, deductions. Task is decides in a verbal form.

18 By the character of mental work: Thought - causal - resultative A virus of flu - is a flu A stick of tbc - is tuberculosis Thought-conditional The terms of origin of one or another phenomenon are taken into account (flu - freezing Tbc - bad feed)

19 There are three basic styles of thinking:
standard original revolutionary

20 The standard thinking meets more often
The standard thinking meets more often. It displays the conventional trues, established by centuries. For example, 2x2 = 4. The standard thinking keeps bases of healthy conservatism, but practically brings nothing new for progress.

21 The original thinking is more effective
The original thinking is more effective. It, basically, does not change the basic knowledge and fundamental rules, but examining the object or the phenomenon from the new, unexplored side, helps originally to solve a task, causing the raised curiosity. The originally read lecture originally made operation etc. fill up our knowledge and skill.

22 The revolutionary (or "paradoxical") thinking by a radical image changes constant axioms and sights. It is thinking of the geniuses. The examples of revolutionary thinking are: geometry, theory of Kopernik, economic doctrine of K.Marks (sights of the economist, instead of politics), theory of a relativity of Einshtein etc. But quite often contemporaries do not understand the geniuses.

23 Forms of thought - Concept - is reflection of most substantial, properties of most commons and qualities of objects and phenomena, expressed a linguistic sign-word: “tree”, “man”, “table” · Judgement - represents substantial connections between objects and phenomena: it is not all that gold, that shines - Deduction is a conclusion, done from a few judgements: all metals - explorers of electricity a copper is a metal, a copper is an explorer of electricity.

24 Induction is motion of idea from single assertions to common knowledge
Induction is motion of idea from single assertions to common knowledge. · Deduction is motion of idea from more general to less general - (all bodies broaden from heating, means a stone broadens also) · An analogy is a conclusion, done on the basis of similarity between objects on a certain sign. · Intuition - compressed in time, not enough understanding direct cognitive act without previous logical deliberation.

25 Qualities (productivity) Breadth ·. Specification ·. Deepth ·
Qualities (productivity) Breadth · Specification · Deepth · Criticism · Flexibility · Sequence · Rate · Originality · Shrewdness · Ingenuity

26 Independence of thinking is the skill to see a new problem to put a new question, and then to solve a task. Very important is the penetration in essence of the phenomenon, process, not being satisfied with the separate facts.

27 Breadth of thinking is an opportunity of the man to hold under the control significant amount of connections between subjects, phenomena.

28 Flexibility of thinking is the skill to change the plan of actions, if it does not satisfy conditions, which arise during the decision of a task.

29 Critisism of thinking – is the skill to estimate both objective conditions correctly, and the activity, if necessary to refuse the planned way to find other way of the decision of a task.

30 Speed of thinking – is the skill to find correct, proved decisions quickly and to realize them at definite time.

31 Profitability – is the choice of the shortest way for formation of concepts, construction of conclusions.

32 Development of thinking at the man.
Quality and orientation of thinking caused by factors action. The orientation of judgement of the perceived information depends on age and interests.

33 at the child on the basis of perception of subjects and
The first most simple thinking arises at the child on the basis of perception of subjects and practical action with them.

34 Development of thinking on the average age.
With transition of the schoolboys to middle classes of school the contents of their educational activity becomes complicated, on the basis of that there is also further development of their thinking.

35 Development of thinking in the senior school age.
From understanding of the separate systems of scientific concepts they pass to mastering by the theory any sciences, laws of natural phenomena and society. In this connection the abstract thinking in this age achieves more maximum development.

36 Intelligence - the ability to understand, recall, mobilize and constructively integrate previous learning in new situations.

37 An intellect (mind) is an aggregate of knowledges and vital experience of man, possibility of their subsequent accumulation and use in practice. Intellectuality is a breadth of range of interests, general erudition. Intelligence is a culture of display of intellect and conduct.

38 Methods of thinking and intellect investigation.
Modern intelligence testing was originated in France by Simon Binet in His test was modified for America by Lewis Terman at Stanford University, and thus we have the Stanford-Binet IQ test that, after a few revisions, is still used often today. IQ refers to the ratio of one's mental age to one's chronological age. Mental age is calculated by comparing your intellectual performance to average performances by others. The Wechsler scales are also popular intelligence tests. They differ from the Stanford-Binet in that they feature separate subscores for various intellectual skills. There is a Wechsler scale for children and another for adults.


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