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HIST 2117: Modern Germany Spring 2014 Lecture Sixteen: From Weimar to Hitler.

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Presentation on theme: "HIST 2117: Modern Germany Spring 2014 Lecture Sixteen: From Weimar to Hitler."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIST 2117: Modern Germany Spring 2014 Lecture Sixteen: From Weimar to Hitler

2 The Emergence of the NSDAP and Adolf Hitler The “German Workers Party” and the Crisis of 1919 Adolf Hitler – His Early Life and Temperament Hitler Takes Over the NSDAP Nature of the Early Nazi Party The Sturmabteilung (SA)

3 The Fringe Years The Beer Hall Putsch and Banning of Party Mein Kampf Building the Party Infrastructure – Julius Streicher, Gregor and Otto Strasser, Josef Goebbels Revolution or Electoral Politics?

4 Hitler’s Opportunity Stock Market Crash and Depression Nazi Politics Party Growth – 1928 108,00 members – 1929 178,000 members – 1932 450,000 members Elections of 1932/33 and Right Wing Plans January, 1933 – Hitler takes Control

5 The Nazi Coup Reichstag Fire Enabling Act Night of the Long Knives and Emergence of SS Death of Hindenburg – Hitler becomes Fuhrer Gleichschaltung – “Co-ordination” Where was the Resistance?

6 Germany Under Nazi Rule Centrality of Anti-Semitism – Racial Ideas Nuremberg Laws 1935 Propaganda and Nazi Symbolism Attacks on Degenerate Art The Gestapo and Concentration Camps Eugenics and Euthanasia “Working Towards the Fuhrer” Kristallnacht 1938

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