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1 The Dialogue on the move First follow-up meeting Brussels, 9th -10th November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Dialogue on the move First follow-up meeting Brussels, 9th -10th November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Dialogue on the move First follow-up meeting Brussels, 9th -10th November 2011

2 2 The Structured Dialogue Future perspectives “…this is not even the beginning of the end, this is perhaps the end of the beginning” - Winston Churchill

3 3 Session 1 The new policy framework of the European Commission An Agenda for change: new perspectives for CS and LA The future approach to EU budget support EU preparation towards the 4th High Level Forum in Busan

4 4 Session 2 : Follow up from Civil Society and LAs Good practices, Challenges, Way forward  Supporting CSO Development Effectiveness in Georgia  Trade Union Principles on Development effectiveness  The Lebanese experience  European Local Authorities experiences

5 5 Session 3 Experiences of Dialogue with CS and LAs Consultative bodies of the EU:  European Economic and Social Committee  Committee of the Regions The European Commission:  DG for Health and Consumers  The Youth Forum presents the DG Education and Culture Experience  Stakeholder Advisory Group (ex DG Development)

6 6 Session 4 Towards a multi-level dialogue space "I believe we can change the world if we start talking to one another again." - Margaret Wheatley

7 7 Country flash: EU-CSO relations  External Assistance management report : formal reporting / control system from delegations to HQs  Overview – 1st semester 2011  SD recomendation on « Applying and monitoring engagement with CSO and LA » in action

8 8 EAMR has dedicated sections on cooperation with CS : Key performance indicators Descriptive section 60 reports received up to 22/09/11 Reports from the Field

9 9 Formal consultations in the programming stage499 Number of dialogues on sectoral policies295 Informal meetings3,646 Participants to meetings24,892 Projects supporting CSOs in policy making631 Key performance indicators 1st Semester 2011 – from 60 delegations

10 10 A considerable number of projects (631) aim at including CSOs in policy making

11 11 25000 persons participated in meetings organised by EUD involving CS in the implementation of ongoing projects

12 12 Overall on EU – CSO relations...  positive trends : closer and regular consultations  but also many difficult situations for CSOs  various types of dialogues emerging :  On national policies  sectoral policies and sectoral working groups  on governance, HR,…  EU Moving from « a source of funding to an active partner »

13 13 Continuing the dialogue: where will it be in two years time? "The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress." - Joseph Joubert (1754-1824) French Philosopher

14 14 Make the SD impact at country, regional and global levels Implement recommendations engaging actors at all levels Keep momentum & consolidate the « acquis » Learning space on key themes High level dialogue on development related policy issues

15 15 3 building blocks Support implementation of the recomendations Facilitate and deepen discussion on selected themes Dialogue on broad policy issues including High Level discussions a)b) c) Core SD Follow-Up

16 16 a) support recommendations ►knowledge sharing ►Incentive, keeping peer pressure on all actors ►challenges ►progress

17 17 b) thematic discussions agenda may include: Evolutions on enabling environment Democratic ownership and consultations Methodologies for multi-stakeholder dialogue Mutual/multiple accountability Articulation of synergies at local level

18 18 Set up – for SD follow up : recommandations and themes Promote and support CL activities Yearly agenda Regional stocktaking and seminars Regular Stocktaking/events at central level with regional sessions Participants : CSO and LAs, open up when possible to partner governements, EUD, HQ EC /EAS/EP staff.... Link with existing donor coordination mechanismes (OECD, UN.....) and other regional activities

19 19 c) Dialogue on broad policy issues including High Level discussions Discussion on policy themes Ad hoc dialogues in preparation of High Level events at global level Improve current systems of consultation, related to programming issues directly relevant to CSOs/LAs

20 20 Set up – for policy discussions Yearly agenda linked to DEVCO WP, call for ideas Ad hoc meetings in brussels including at high level Flexible approach.... but draft guidelines may be useful Tailored/thematic participation and expertise Ensure adequate participation from the South

21 21 Session 5 Overall Working Setup and Representation of Non-EU countries 10th November: morning session "A dialogue is more than two monologues" - Max M. Kampelman

22 22 3 building blocks Support implementation of the recomendations Facilitate and deepen discussion on selected themes Dialogue on broad policy issues including High Level discussions a)b) c) Core SD Follow-Up

23 23 Link with country realities Link with global debates Exchange Takestock, learn, stimulate, monitor Core follow up of the SD on a) and b) Country Level Regional Level Global Level

24 24 SD in three spheres - Di coordination mechanisms Dialogue around EC assistance: Programming, Geo funds Thematic programmes Political and policy dialogue (enabling environm.) Sector policy dialogue

25 25 Structured Dialogue at country level Context tailored - No « one fits all » approach Follow up on the 9 themes and selected reccomendations Links and integration with existing dialogues Format ((ideal): partner government, CSO, LAs, Delegations « Facilitated » by EU Delegation Link with MS, UN and other coordination Political back up by HQ DEVCO D2 provides support (tools, training...)

26 26 Country level – supporting actions Networking and support to Delegations capacity DEVCO to monitor progress (via EAMR and beyond..) DEVCO to promote work in all countries …… But a set of “good practices countries” to emerge and feed overall dialogue dynamics Links and reporting back to regional level and beyond

27 27 Why a regional level - relevance Support and link up with regional initiatives Mirror regional institutions (SADAC, ASEAN, MERCOSUR…) Promote exchanges Bridge country and local levels

28 28 HQ and central level Take stock and wrap up Monitor Learn Stimulate Links with regional component

29 29 Brainstorming for WG Questions: 1. Representitativity at regional level 2. Overall set up. How will it operate (working modality)?

30 30 2 Working Groups -By language: EN/FR -Each WG to identify 2 Rapporteurs -(one CSO and one LA) -Each WG to respond to 2 questions -Each WG to report back in plenary

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