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Aim: What are the organelles of a cell and their functions?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What are the organelles of a cell and their functions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What are the organelles of a cell and their functions?
Do Now: List some organelles that you already know. Can you name their functions too? Have out HW page 197 questions 1-5, 9, 10, 12,13,14 Tuesday 10/21 background information for Science Project due Wednesday 10/22; Read pages answer questions 189 #’s 1-5 Thursday 10/23 Exam Project #1 due on 11/12. Any Questions?

2 Can you find these organelles?
In groups use page 174 of your text to label the animal and plant worksheets What two structures do plant cells have that animal cells do not have?



5 Charting Cell Organelle Functions
Handout: Complete the chart in groups using textbook Structure Function

6 Contains the DNA (blueprints) to make proteins Chromatin
Structure Function Nucleus Contains the DNA (blueprints) to make proteins Chromatin DNA bound to protein found inside nucleus of cell; turns into chromosomes when cell gets ready to divide Nucleolus Assembles the Ribosomes Ribosomes Actually makes the proteins by chaining amino acids Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes attached; newly made proteins enter and are chemically altered Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Without Ribosomes; contains enzymes that aid in certain chemical reactions Mitochondria Powerhouse of the cell. Fuels the cell with energy Golgi Apparatus Packages proteins and aids in transporting them out of the cell Cell Membrane Protects the cell from surrounding environment; selectively permeable Lysosomes Filled with enzymes to help breakdown carbs, lipids, and proteins for use by the cell Vacuole Storage unit Chloroplasts Found only in plant cells; aids in photosynthesis Cell Wall Found only in plant cells; gives cell its structure Cytoplasm Jellylike substance that fills cell; organelles live within it Cytoskeleton Proteins that help maintain cell shape and aid in cell movement

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