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Sarah Barrett M.S. Special Education 1. I want to encourage you all to post into discussion board more than one time during the week. In our chat time.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Barrett M.S. Special Education 1. I want to encourage you all to post into discussion board more than one time during the week. In our chat time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Barrett M.S. Special Education 1

2 I want to encourage you all to post into discussion board more than one time during the week. In our chat time tonight, let’s discuss discuss some of the time management strategies that have worked for you. 2

3  We have learned what characteristics to look for in a child with disabilities. (typical vs. atypical development and developmental milestones)  We have discussed how to assess and identify needs, who to contact if we have concerns.  The difference between IFSP and IEP service delivery. We are almost ½ way through…. 3

4 Describe the characteristics of behavioral problems and the importance of reducing and preventing problems in the preschool classroom. Explain the purpose and importance of the Behavior Intervention Plan. Identify strategies for reducing and preventing behavioral problems in the preschool classroom. Describe techniques that facilitate quality care for a specific age group of young children with special needs. 4

5 BIP: Behavior Intervention Plan LRE: Least Restrictive Environment IEP: a written plan for serving students with disabilities from 3-21 years of age IFSP: a written plan for infants and toddlers and families from 0-3 years of age 5

6 Normal deviations: understand that a child may display a negative behavior due to a circumstance (fear, hunger, illness, disability, etc.) Fixed patterns: behavior may occur when attention is gained Goodness of fit: how the child’s personality or temperament matches his environment Communication skills can influence behaviors (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, 550-558). 6

7 Impulsivity Disorganized Irritableness Temper tantrums Short attention span Compulsive Manipulative Uncooperative Whiny or crying Talkative (disruptive) Seeks attention Moody Restless or hyperactivity Avoids eye contact Clinging Plays alone (Gorrill, Paasche, & Strom, 2005, p. 40-41). 7

8 * Identify the problem situation * Assess the child and the environment * Specify an goal for the intervention 1. Assess the function of the behavior-why? 2. Identify a replacement behavior- what to do instead? 3.Plan the intervention. Ensure the meaningful curriculum activities, frequent reinforcement, choice, and a predictable schedule are in place Ongoing monitoring of child’s progress (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, 556). 8

9  A. “antecedents” what happens before you see the “behavior”  B. “behavior” the actual behavior of the child, what he/she does that is disruptive, etc.  C “consequence” what happens after the behavior occurs Usually the A or “antecedent” will give you a reason for the behavior. ABC’s of Behavior Plans 9

10 ABCABC Let’s try an example: 10

11 Assess the environment to see if the environment can be altered to eliminate the antecedent that trigger the behavior Help the child with a communicative problem achieve more appropriate ways of communication Develop an appropriate consequence to the behavior Teach self monitoring skills Consult with team of professionals Collect data to evaluate effectiveness of plan (Allen & Cowdery, 2009,565-580). 11

12 Give warning that a transition to a different activity will take place before it happens Check with child often to make sure that child is not overwhelmed with too many rules or directions Give one or two step directions in a logical order to reduce frustration and miscommunications Give the child realistic choices that promote responsibility and independence (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 563-580). 12

13 Focus the child’s attention by doing one or more of the following: use child’s name, eye to eye level, speak directly, check for understanding, model and practice expected behavior Give enough time for child to comply with request before stating request for second time Practice consistency and firmness when child is exhibiting non-compliant behavior Make sound judgments 13

14  You have a very active four year old boy in class that is impulsive and has a hard time sitting or standing still. He can’t seem to stay in line with his peers without moving around and touching everyone. You know that it is distracting for him to stand too close to peers, he needs structure and visual cues. You decide to teach him how to keep his hands to his side and feet in one place. Quick Example 14

15 Visual Strategy 15

16 Discuss strategies for reducing and preventing behavior problems in the early childhood daycare/classroom or share your experiences with behavioral problems. 16

17  Readings/web research  Discussion Board (read my tips)  Seminar  Oh look! There is no project for this week! Yay!  Enjoy your week! Week 4 Assignments! 17

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