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The Cold War U.S. History. Politics of Containment: Truman to JFK 1950-1963.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War U.S. History. Politics of Containment: Truman to JFK 1950-1963."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War U.S. History

2 Politics of Containment: Truman to JFK 1950-1963

3 Part 1: Late Truman Years

4 I.China Goes Commie A. Mao Zedong takes control (1949) 1. US fears this is first domino in line in Asia. B. Japan becomes our top ally in Asia!

5 II. Results of China falling A. NSC-68 Report (April, 1950) 1. Arms race begins 2. USSR: “desire 4 world domination” 3. USA: leader of the “free world” * Spider Man theory 4. Require $39 billion defense budget * How get Congress on board?

6 III.Korean War (1950-1953) A. Commies try to take over  U.N. intervenes 1. pushes North back to Chinese border B. China enters war 1. Gen. MacArthur wants to attack China C. Truman fires MacArthur D. Changes to containment 1. Using military 2. Asia top “battleground”


8 IV. Results of Korean War A. NSC-68 recommendations become reality 1. $50 billion D-budget in ’53 2. 3.5 million soldier army, overseas bases 3. Stockpile of 750 nukes

9 The Eisenhower Years: 1953-1961

10 Eisenhower’s Containment Strategy Forget paying countries to reject communism, just threaten to blow everything up if USSR expands. Mnemonic using Eisenhower’s nickname “Ike” to remember his strategy: I’ll Kill Everybody

11 I.Eisenhower’s “New Look” Nukes over pukes A. Elected Prez in 1953 B. Cold War keys 1. Strong economy (why?) 2. Willing to nuke! C. “More Bang for the Buck” 1. Massive Retaliation a. Smaller army ($4 billion savings) b. Bigger nuclear arsenal

12 D. Nuclear delivery systems 1. US  B-52’s, ICBM’s 2. USSR: Sputnik  space satellite 3. NASA formed a. Missile development

13 II.Brinkmanship A. Brink of War B. Cause less small wars C. Problems? 1. All or nothing 2. USSR joins arms race “… two scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killing the other but only at the risk of his own life.” -- Dr. Oppenheimer

14 John Foster Dulles – Secret. Of State “You have to take chances for peace, just as you must take chances in war. Some say that we were brought to the verge of war. Of course we were brought to the verge of war. The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art. … If you try to run away from it, if you are scared to go to the brink, you are lost. We’ve had to look it square in the face. … We walked to the brink and we looked it in the face. We took strong action.

15 JFK and the Cold War

16 I. Containment Approach A. Use combo of non-nuke weapons, $$, support programs B. Goal: Reduce threat of nuke war & spread of communism B. Flexible Response (not just nukes) 1. Conventional Troops / Weapons 2. Cost more, but nukes not OK for all situations 3. Special Forces (Green Berets)

17 C. Aid to Latin America 1. Previously seen as helping only in our own interests 2. Alliance for Progress  aid projects D. Peace Corps 1. Humanitarian

18 E. Cold War moves into space 1. Space Race 2. 1961 – Set goal of beating the Russians to moon

19 II.Crisis of the Cold War A. Bay of Pigs (Cuba, 1961) 1. Soviet Ally 2. La Brigada  1,400 Cuban exiles 3. Meant to overthrow Castro 4. Failed completely

20 B. Berlin Wall goes up (June, 1961) 1. Khrushchev  Allies out of West Berlin! 2. Kennedy  bite me, Ruskie 3. People pouring into W.B. to escape Communism 4. Soviets build wall to divide city





25 C. Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct. 1962) 1. Soviet Missiles in Cuba 2. Naval blockade 3. Secret deal worked out 4. Defcon 2: closest ever came to nuclear war D. Impact of Crisis 1. Khrushchev undermined 2. Soviet military build-up next 20



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