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Air Quality Effects of Prescribed Fires Simulated with CMAQ Yongqiang Liu, Gary Achtemeier, and Scott Goodrick Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 320 Green.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Quality Effects of Prescribed Fires Simulated with CMAQ Yongqiang Liu, Gary Achtemeier, and Scott Goodrick Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 320 Green."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Quality Effects of Prescribed Fires Simulated with CMAQ Yongqiang Liu, Gary Achtemeier, and Scott Goodrick Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 320 Green St., Athens, GA Third Annual CMAS Models-3 Conference Chapel Hill, October 18-20, 2004

2  Background  SHRMC-4S: A framework for smoke/air quality simulation  Daysmoke: A model for fire plume rise  Case simulation of CMAQ with Daysmoke Outline

3 Wildfire

4 Prescribed burning


6 Fire and Air Quality  Emission of smoke particles and gases -PM, CO, SO 2, NO x, VOC  Degradation of air quality -PM 2.5, smog, regional haze

7 SHRMC-4S ( Southern High-Resolution Modeling Consortium- Southern Smoke Simulation System)  A research tool for investigating air quality effects of wildland fires, especially prescribed burning in the South  Assisting fire and smoke managers and policy makers in meeting air quality regulations and developing implementation plans

8 Fire Data Emissions Calculation SMOKE CMAQ Visualization Weather Data Emissions Calculation Fuel Load Hourly Emissions Fire Behavior Fuel Consumption Emission Factors Plume Parameters Emissions Output (hourly Emissions, phase, area, vertical velocity and dT)

9 TypeFeatureStackFire Empirical Statistical correlation and regression Holland 1953Harrison and Hardy 2002 Similarity Similarity theory & dimensional analysis Briggs 1968 Dynamic Conservations of mass, energy, and momentum Briggs 1984Daysmoke (Achtemeier 1998) Plume Rise

10 Daysmoke as a Smoke Injector for CMAQ  Smoke plume rise  Vertical distribution

11 Daysmoke Components  Entraining turret plume model  Detraining particle transport model  Large eddy parameterization  Vertical profile specification




15 Plume boundary The turrets sweep out a 3-D path that defines the plume boundary.

16 Detraining Particle Trajectory Model

17 Particle movement within the plume is described by horizontal & vertical wind velocity within the plume, turbulent horizontal and vertical velocity within the plume, particle terminal velocity.

18 Detrainment occurs when Stochastic plume turbulence places particles beyond plume boundaries Plume rise rate falls below a threshold vertical velocity Absolute value of Large Eddy velocity exceeds plume rise rate

19 Large eddy parameterization Eddy size and strength are proportional to depth of PBL. Eddy growth and dissipation are time-dependent Eddies are transported by the mean wind in the PBL.





24 Constructing Vertical Plume Profiles 3 miles “Wall” carries particle counters as function of height Group the particles by CMAQ sigma level and insert into CMAQ each hour.

25 Running CMAQ with Daysmoke Plume Profiles  Florida  March 6, 2002  12 km resolution  21 layers  Plume rise is estimated using -Daysmoke -Briggs scheme

26 Vertical distribution of smoke particles estimated using Daysmoke. (Average over all fires in FL on 3/6/2002)

27 Normalized vertical distribution of smoke particles estimated using Daysmoke (pink) and Briggs scheme (green). (Average over all fires in FL on 3/6/2002)


29 CMAQ simulation of PM2.5 concentration with plume rise estimated using DAYSMOKE (top) and Briggs scheme (bottom) (σ=1.0; t=2pm; d=3/6/2002)

30 CMAQ simulation of PM2.5 concentration with plume rise estimated using DAYSMOKE (top) and Briggs scheme (bottom) (σ=0.91(~1000 m); t=2pm; d=3/6/2002)

31 CMAQ simulation of PM2.5 concentration with plume rise estimated using Daysmoke (pink) and Briggs scheme (green). (Average over the northwestern FL on 3/6/2002)

32 CMAQ simulation of O 3 concentration with plume rise estimated using DAYSMOKE (top) and Briggs scheme (bottom) (σ=1.0; t=3pm; d=3/6/2002)

33 CMAQ simulation of O 3 concentration with plume rise estimated using DAYSMOKE (top) and Briggs scheme (bottom) (σ=0.91; t=3pm; d=3/6/2002)

34 CMAQ simulation of O 3 concentration with plume rise estimated using Daysmoke (pink) and Briggs scheme (green). (Average over the northwestern FL on 3/6/2002)

35 Concluding Remarks  CMAQ with DAYSMOKE would produce more particles near the ground  This study represents the first run with Daysmoke connected with CMAQ.  Daysmoke validation: –3mm radar observations of prescribed burn plumes scheduled for 2005 at Savannah River Forest –Comparisons with WRF simulations of smoke plumes –Matching with aerial photographs of smoke plumes

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