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MODUL 2: KEY POINTS IN DEVELOPING ANDROID APPS Studio Mobile Content Development IMTelkom 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "MODUL 2: KEY POINTS IN DEVELOPING ANDROID APPS Studio Mobile Content Development IMTelkom 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODUL 2: KEY POINTS IN DEVELOPING ANDROID APPS Studio Mobile Content Development IMTelkom 2012

2 Source: The Business of Android Apps Development, by Mark Rollins (Chapter 2) Questions to Ask About Your Android Application 2

3 How Android Gives Developers the Tools to Succeed  widgets—advanced UI elements  hardware tools: for example camera, accelerometer, GPS radio, and proximity sensor  tools from phone manufacturers: (example Timescape from Sony Ericsson), extension development kit (EDK) for developer to develop extension of Timescape is available free  access other application programming interfaces (APIs) in order to allow programs to work together with other programs (check  The challenge and the fun is all about finding what you can build, and you are not limited by the amount of pieces. You can also build on some projects that are already constructed. But beware of software licenses. 3

4 What to Build??? 4  Creating an Original Application  What Do You Want Your App to Do?  some possible questions of inspiration:  What hobbies do you have that could be made more fun with an Android application?  What games do you play that haven’t been made into applications already?  What jobs that you do could be made simpler with an application?  You also might want to ask friends, family, and people in your social networks these questions.  Another way of finding ideas is looking at newspapers and magazines.  it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel  figure out how to use the tools that Android provides to put your idea in motion, or use 3 rd party

5 Example 5

6 What to Build??? 6  Is the Application Simple to Use?  Considering that most people often use their Android devices with just one hand  just a few finger swipes and very few touchscreen finger touches.  What Problem Does Your Android Application Solve?  Who Is Your Target Audience?  What Category Will This Application Go Under?  Has Someone Already Done This Before?  Androlib (  Amazon  AndroidZoom (  What Are You Going to Call Your Application?  Where Do You Want Your Application to Run

7 What You Need to Do, Legally, As an Application Developer 7  Copyrights  Trademarks  Protecting Your Trade Secrets  Is a Patent Right for You?

8 Summary 8  Android is really giving developers the tools to succeed, and there are even more tools available from the phone manufacturers themselves. Your job is to come up with an application that people need and is simple to use. You need to know what category your app will fit into and who your target audience will be.  You should also check to see if someone else is doing what your application is doing, just so you know who the competition is. This information is going to come in useful when naming your application as well.  There are some legal aspects that you should take care of. You should protect your intellectual property rights as appropriate with a copyright, trademark, or even a patent.

9 Source: The Business of Android Apps Development, by Mark Rollins (Chapter 3) You’re Not Selling an Application, You’re Selling a Culture 9

10 Culture ? 10  “the behaviors and beliefs characteristic to a particular group.”  Cases: successful magazines  they sells ideas! —some belief that people want to make their own  Defining Your Culture  universal remote? future of home theater electronics to see where your product can go. For example, if you can create a universal remote that can deal with set-top boxes like the Roku or even video game systems, then you might have something that your competitors don’t have. Combine that with some cloud computing and a DVR, and you’ve really got a package that you can offer customers!  Show them that by using your Android application they are transporting themselves into “a world of their own.”

11 Creating a Style That Is Unique 11  The Icon  picture says more than a thousand words  Logo  User Interface  tools : Android GUI Prototyping, DroidDraw, Pencil  Your Application’s Web Site

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14 Summary 14  Think of your application as a performance in and of itself. Just like any performance of a play or movie, there is always some theme that it carries with it. In the case of your application, your theme is the main idea that will form the culture around your application.  Try to see the bigger picture of your application in order to see who is going to be your following and what your application will give them. Once you have determined that, you can figure out the style of your application, and this will help you form your icon, logo, UI, and every visual aspect of your application, including the official web site.  In addition to writing your application and finding your target audience, it is also important to establish a culture around your application. The culture is what your audience believes your application will do for them, and its members will help spread the word on your product. As a developer, it is your responsibility to define your culture, and to create a unique style for your application. This style will be apparent in your icon, logo, UI, and web site.  Developing your application as a culture is important as it involves the audience in the creative process of the application as well as its use. Hearing your audience’s feedback will be valuable in future versions of the application, and will ensure that it has a long life on mobile platforms and beyond.

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