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FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America WMS + LB Installation Emidio Giorgio INFN.

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Presentation on theme: "FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America WMS + LB Installation Emidio Giorgio INFN."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America WMS + LB Installation Emidio Giorgio INFN Catania First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators Madrid, 20-24.02.2006

2 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 2 Installing WMS + LB

3 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 3 Installation Start from a fresh install of SLC 3.0.6 Installation via – Installer script ( – APT Installation will install all dependencies, including – other necessary gLite modules – external dependencies JAVA is not included in distribution. Install it separately (>= 1.4.2_06)

4 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 4 Request host certificates for the box to a CA. – (es.) Copy host certificates ( hostcert.pem and hostkey.pem ) in /etc/grid-certificates. – chmod 644 hostcert.pem – chmod 400 hostkey.pem If planning to use certificates released by unsupported EGEE CA’s, be sure that their public key and CRLs (usually distributed with an rpm) are installed. – GILDA CA ones available from Installing pre-requisites

5 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 5 Installing WMS+LB via apt 1.Verify if apt is present: – rpm -qa | grep apt – Install apt if necessary:  rpm -ivh 2.Add gLite apt repository: –Put one this line in a file (e.g. glite.list) inside the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory (R 1.4) – rpm rhel30 externals Release1.4 updates – apt-get update – apt-get dist-upgrade 3.Install WMS+LB: – apt-get install glite-wms-config – apt-get install glite-lb-config See

6 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 6 gLite configuration – short reminder Configuration files – XML format – templates provided in /opt/glite/etc/config/templates Hierarchy of configuration file – Global configuration file – service specific configuration files Parameter groups – User parameters (‘changeme’) – Advanced parameters – System parameters

7 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 7 Configuration Configuration comes through the execution of pyhton scripts, which takes as input xml files. So services have to be configured by editing these xml files Xml files are provided as templates, under / opt/glite/etc/config/templates Copy templates file to /opt/glite/etc/config glite-global.cfg.xml glite-rgma-servicetool.cfg.xml glite-lb.cfg.xml glite-security-utils.cfg.xml glite-rgma-client.cfg.xml glite-service-discovery.cfg.xml security_checks.cfg.xml glite-rgma-common.cfg.xml glite-wms.cfg.xml

8 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 8 Other cfg.xml glite-service-discovery.cfg.xml –Set service-discovery.type to file set empty other blank value glite-rgma-common.cfg.xml –Set the RGMA-server name(s) glite-rgma-servicetool.cfg.xml –Just the WMS/LB machine on rgma.servicetool.sitename attribute glite-global.cfg.xml –Contains general aspects. Typically just the JAVA_HOME attribute needs to be changed, put in th location of your JVM security_checks.cfg.xml –Leave it unchanged glite-security-utils.cfg.xml –Just set the cron.mailto attribute value

9 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 9 glite-wms.cfg.xml Key values – general section : glite [user running glite Services] : glite [user group running glite Services] wmsVOs configuration Section : for each VO you want to be served by this wms, fill in with the information on respective VOMS server (usually provided with an rpm ). Then – For each VO you are configuring must correspond an instance in pool.account.basename : name [prefix of pool user accounts] : name [prefix of group for pool user accounts] pool.account.number : xx [ number of pooled user to be created ]

10 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 10 glite-wms.cfg.xml (2/2) : bdii.somehost.somedomain information.index.port : bdii port number( typ 2170) lb.server : The name of LB server box (typically the same machine) wms.Cemon.Port : define the port where listening for CE notifications (typ 5120) May be important to be set SEIndex, in order to solve physical location of lfn requested by job

11 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 11 glite-lb.cfg.xml Configuration needs less parameters respect to WMS / group user name and group of user that will run lb service (could be the same of wms) Remember to set mysql root password !

12 FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First EELA Grid Tutorial for user and system administrators 12 Post configuration In order to commit configuration, execute python /opt/glite/etc/config/script/glite-lb- –-configure python /opt/glite/etc/config/script/glite-lb- --start python /opt/glite/etc/config/script/glite-wms- –-configure python /opt/glite/etc/config/script/glite-wms- --start

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