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The Executive Branch signs the bill into law The Legislative Branch writes the bill and passes it with a 51% majority The Judicial Branch interprets the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Executive Branch signs the bill into law The Legislative Branch writes the bill and passes it with a 51% majority The Judicial Branch interprets the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Executive Branch signs the bill into law The Legislative Branch writes the bill and passes it with a 51% majority The Judicial Branch interprets the law and determines if it is constitutional Presidential veto sends the bill back for revision Both houses can vote to override veto with a 2/3 majority vote

2  A bill goes to the house, who must pass it with a 51% majority  The bill then goes to the Senate for review, they must pass it with a majority  It goes to a committee, then to the president  House  Senate  House  Committee  President

3  Loose Construction  The thinking that you could take whatever action you wanted, as long as the constitution did not specifically say you couldn't do it.  Strict Construction  If the constitution does not say you can do something, you can’t.  People should follow exactly what was stated and allowed in the document.  Discussion: Which do you think is correct?

4  What do you do with Corrupt Officials?  Impeach them of course  Impeach: charge the holder of a public office with misconduct.  Impeachment:  when the House of Representatives and the Senate can put the president on Trial, and if found guilty, can remove the president from office  It is the job of the Legislative Branch to put the other two branches on trial for crimes.  The president can be impeached for the following reasons

5  Article II lays the framework for presidential impeachment.  The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and misdemeanors.  What does this mean?  means that the grounds of impeachment can also be defined as other criminal or noncriminal behavior amounting to serious dereliction of duty.  In other words: shameful behavior that distracted him from his job

6 Summary: The United States Constitution is ….

7  Amendments 1-4 deal with___________  Amendments 5-8 deal with___________  Amendments 9-10 deal with____________  Amendments 13-15 deal with_____________  Amendments 19-26 deal with_______________

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