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UNCLASSIFIED French Forces in Djibouti (FFDj) FFDj/HQ/LOGISTIC Department (DIV OL) Djibouti Logistics Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "UNCLASSIFIED French Forces in Djibouti (FFDj) FFDj/HQ/LOGISTIC Department (DIV OL) Djibouti Logistics Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNCLASSIFIED French Forces in Djibouti (FFDj) FFDj/HQ/LOGISTIC Department (DIV OL) Djibouti Logistics Conference

2 UNCLASSIFIED Main mission : Main mission : Coordination of all the Logistics operations (needs, maintenance, material & personal movements,…) requested by FFDj units (5 ème RIAOM batallion [Army]; FAB188 [Air Force]; Djibouti naval base [Navy]; GFS_Est [Special forces Group] deployed in or passing through Republic of Djibouti Secundary missions : Secundary missions : 1 – Coordination of all the support needs, for the benefit of foreign nations deployed in Djibouti which signed a technical agreement with FFDj (ex. : EUNAVFOR ATALANTA operation) 2 – Special requests (ex.: Djib. BATHILL 2 batallion recently deployed in Somalia  2 C160 rotations) 3 – Preparation of the OPO LOG orders for operations (example: TAMUR operation in 2012) or exercices 4 – In case of activation of the « crisis FFDj HQ » (real crisis or exercises ), coordination with DIV OPS chief. 5 – Every study requested by the different French HQ’s, in relation with logistics 6- CIMIC (needs analysis, costs estimation, planification, monitoring,…) FFDj/HQ/DIV OL Missions Djibouti Logistics Conference

3 UNCLASSIFIED Chief of Staff (COL LAURENTIN) DIV.LOG Chief (Lt col BERTRAND) J1 Personnel [Gs] (Cpt LAMBOLEZ) J10 BTT [Gs] (Maj PACALET) DLSIMu (DCSIMu) (Cpt STE CLAIRE) J4 LOGISTICS (2/0/0/0) (Lcl VANDIER Maj PAULIN) J8 FINANCES (1/1/0/1) (Cpt DE LONGEAUX ADC DAVID Miss JOURDAIN) CMMT [CFT] (Lt Col PERROT) DLSEA (DCSEA) (Maj PRECHEUR) DIV.OPS Chief (Lt col CHIPOT) Secretary Logistic Division Operational Division Djibouti Coalition Logistics Conference FFDj HQ FFDj HQ Organizational Structure

4 UNCLASSIFIED Djibouti Logistics Conference Current Operations Future Operations Challenges Capabilities 1.FFFDj units training 2.War against terrorists (recent FFDj contributions: CHAMMAL & SANGARIS) 3. RECAMP park optimization 4. Infrastructure movements (Brière-de-l’Isle & Monclar districts especially) 1. Implementing of the Defense cooperation Treaty with RoD 2. Atalanta? (after Dec 2016?) 3. Terrorist attacks in HOA? 1. Aging Materials (C160: 50 years! AMX10, VLRA, …) & sometimes unique (1 C160) 2.FFDj format reduction (2000 people in 2014  1300(?) In 2018) 1. Aerial: Mirage; C160; Helicopters  dedicated support units 2. Navy: barges (CTM); speedboats  dedicated support unit 3.Army: AMX10, VAB, VLRA, Vehicles (Land Rovers; P4); trucks  dedicated support unit

5 UNCLASSIFIED French forces in Djibouti (FFDj) Djibouti Logistics Conference

6 UNCLASSIFIED Djibouti Logistics Conference Questions ?

7 UNCLASSIFIED ATALANTA: a dedicate infrastructure Le Quai 9 SITRAM HM1 Area: Atalanta Area F. A. B. 188 F. N. B. 2014 Support FFDj for nations Continuous - SEA : OHQ Northwood antenna - Germany : P3 Orion + vessels - Spain : P3 Orion + vessels Occasional - France: ATL2 & F50 - Serbia (1st & 2 nd semester): Technical assistance & transit AVPD - Croatia (2 nd semester): Technical assistance & transit AVPD Germany Germany, France SEA, Spain Djibouti Logistics Conference

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