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By: Lauren Rhodes September 30, 2014 Second Grade

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1 By: Lauren Rhodes September 30, 2014 Second Grade
Classroom Design By: Lauren Rhodes September 30, 2014 Second Grade

2 Steele’s Six Functions of the Classroom Setting
Security and Shelter Social Contact Symbolic Identification Task Instrumentality Pleasure Growth

3 Security and Shelter: Security and Shelter encompasses physical security, as well as psychological security and comfort within the classroom. The picture on the right is of Mrs. Chandler’s second graders on their first day of school. This picture demonstrates that Mrs. Chandler provides a warm psychological environment for her students. J.G. Hening Elementary also participates in a “Watch Dog” program, in which Father’s of students volunteer to come in and assist with student activities, while providing security for the school.          

4 Social Contact: Social Contact involves arranging the classroom in order to achieve the amount of student interaction that is desired. In the picture to the right you can see how Mrs. Chandler has arranged her desks into groups of six, to allow for maximum student interactions. She also has a big carpet in the front of the room to allow for morning meetings, guided reading, and independent reading.

5 Symbolic Identification:
Symbolic Identification correlates to the symbols within the classroom that students can relate to. Mrs. Chandler also has a class picture, as well as a picture of herself outside of her classroom door. The students can use these photos to identify themselves as an important student in the classroom. Mrs. Chandler has an interactive bulletin board in her classroom, where the students can change the calendar, as well as work on different math activities. The students can relate this calendar back to the one they see their parents use at home.

6 Task Instrumentality:
Task Instrumentality incorporates the layout of the classroom, and how this layout helps students get their work done. Mrs. Chandler has classroom jobs assigned to her students (top picture), as well as goals for each subject for the day (right picture). This helps the students understand what tasks are expected from them each day. Mrs. Chandler has organized her classroom, so that the students have the maximum amount of space to complete their classroom jobs in.

7 Pleasure: Pleasure involves making sure that the classroom is aesthetically pleasing while providing the needs of the students. Pleasure is incorporated into Mrs. Chandler’s classroom in many different ways. She has a big couch, as well as a large carpet for the students to read on during independent reading. She also has stuffed animals on the couch that the students can read to. The students seem to really enjoy having the freedom to lay out on the couch during independent reading.

8 Growth: Growth in the classroom reflects the developmental stages of students throughout the year. Mrs. Chandler has a discipline system set in place in her classroom. Her students all start on “Great Day,” however if they are struggling with their behavior in the classroom, they can move down to “Think, make better choices,” “Refocus,” or if necessary a “Note Home.” This helps students to understand the boundaries in their classroom setting, and the consequences that will take place if they fail to stay within those boundaries. (Top Left Photo). Mrs. Chandler also has a bulletin board that states “I Can.” This board allows students to express themselves and set goals for themselves to share with the class. (Top Right Photo).

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