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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to HARRIET TUBMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 Morning Arrival  ALL students are to be dropped off at the back of the school-Holland Street.  NO student drop offs in the front of the building unless they attend Morning Care. Doors open at 8:00 am for breakfast. ALL students will report to the cafeteria between 8:00 and 8:25am. Students will be picked up in the cafeteria by their classroom teacher or escorted to class at 8:25am.

3 Afternoon Dismissal  Grades Pre-kdg and K will be picked up in the back of the school.  Grades 1-6 will be picked up in the front playground. Siblings of K-2 students should report to the back of the school to be picked up.

4 Volunteers  We our volunteers!! Please see your child’s teacher if you are interested.  Volunteers must enter the building through the front door, show ID and sign-in the Newark Public Schools’ Visitor Log at the security desk, then go directly to the Parent Room and sign in the Harriet Tubman School Volunteer Log before beginning their duties.   Volunteers must stay in the area in which they have been assigned to complete their volunteer duties. Volunteers may not enter other classrooms or other areas of the building. Once duties have been completed, volunteers are to immediately sign out in the Harriet Tubman School Volunteer Log located in the Parent Room and exit the building through the front door.  Volunteers may use their cell phones in the parent room and other common areas outside of the classrooms. Talking on cell phones is not allowed in front of students.

5 Volunteers (continued)  The Community Engagement Specialist, teachers and/or staff members will assign volunteers specific duties. Volunteers are asked to complete only the duties assigned to them.  Volunteers are asked to refrain from any activities which might be distracting to students; i.e. congregating and socializing, carrying on audible personal conversations, cell phone ringing/text notification sounds, initiating conversations with the staff/students/paraprofessionals during instructional time, etc.   Volunteers are asked to speak in positive and nurturing tones when interacting with students. Volunteers are asked to refrain from reprimanding or questioning students – all disciplinary issues should be brought to the attention of the staff/paraprofessional/administrator who will then handle them accordingly.

6 PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support  A proactive school-wide system that focuses on preventing inappropriate behaviors and recognizing appropriate behaviors.  Students demonstrating appropriate behavior receive recognition as student of the month.  Classes demonstrating appropriate behavior receive structured free time.

7 Parent Compacts  Please be sure you and your child review the Parent Compact in the Student/Parent Handbook.

8 Newsletters  School information will be sent home every month via newsletters.  Please check your child’s book bag for these important updates.

9 Parent Handbook  The Parent Handbook is a valuable source of information about Harriet Tubman school. Please take a moment to review the information when you receive your handbook.

10 Important Dates  School calendars can be found on the Newark Public School website. Teachers will give information about the curriculum your child will be learning in the 2015-2016 school year..

11 Thank you!! We look forward to being your partner in education this school year! Please contact the school or your child’s teacher if you have any questions!

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