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The Treaty of Versailles

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Presentation on theme: "The Treaty of Versailles"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Treaty of Versailles
Goals & Outcomes The Treaty of Versailles

2 Treaty of Versailles Germany Italy United States France Great Britain
Each came to the treaty conference with goals

3 Goals of Great Britain Reparations Revenge on Germany Disarmament
Colonies Control of the Seas (within reason) /German Ships

4 Goals of France Security from attack Reparations Revenge on Germany
Separate nation of the Rhineland created. Colonies

5 Goals of Italy Land Colonies
Side note: Orlando left the proceedings when his demands were not met. He returned for the final signing.

6 Goals of The United States
Application of the 14 Points (idealism) Self-Determination Democratic governments Fair treatment of all the people of the world.

7 Goals of Germany Maintain its government
Fair settlement concerning any reparations

8 Great Britain’s Outcomes
Revenge Mandates (areas of control in the Middle East) Germany disarmed German colonies German reparation payments

9 France’s Outcomes Revenge German Reparations Demilitarized Rhineland
Germany Disarmed Mandate (area of control in the Middle East)

10 Italy’s Outcomes Some land from Austria Hungary

11 United States’ Outcomes
League of Nations (with the understanding that it could right the wrongs of the treaty.) The Treaty of Versailles was not ratified by the US Senate; therefore the USA entered a period of isolation and did not participate in the League of Nations.

12 Germany’s Outcomes War Guilt Clause Unreasonable reparations
Loss of Land (in contrast to self-determination) Desire for Revenge

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