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Title III: SSC Re-Org Team Update Fall 10. Summer ESL and EWRT Collaborative Activities  Attended Re-Org meetings with SSC staff 1-2 per week  Attended.

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1 Title III: SSC Re-Org Team Update Fall 10

2 Summer ESL and EWRT Collaborative Activities  Attended Re-Org meetings with SSC staff 1-2 per week  Attended planning meeting with Title III team 1-2 per week  Title III discipline specific pilot meetings 1-2 per week  Met with other Title III Division twice over the summer  Created a job definition of duties for ISTs and Peer Tutors  Created program and space definitions for SSC resources

3 Summer Projects on EWRT S.I.  Amy and Julie researched methods and explored supplemental instruction at other colleges  Julie developed curriculum and materials on Vocabulary SI Module pilot for LART 200  Amy developed curriculum and materials for Verb SI Module pilot for LART 200  Amy and Julie created diagnostics for EWRT and LART 200

4 Summer Projects on ESL S.I.  Craig developed curriculum and materials for 1-hour SI Lab instruction for ESL 251  MaryAnne and Kanako developed the format and outline for the ESL 251 presentation and listening skills workshops  MaryAnne and Craig created diagnostics for ESL 251

5 Summer Projects for SSC Staffing and Services  Amy recruited peer tutors for the WRC  Mary-Anne recruited volunteer tutors and Foundation paid faculty as well as student assistants for the LSC  Amy developed C.A.T. tutor and teacher orientation and program materials  MaryAnne and Irina Shepeleva worked on SSC powerpoint orientation designed to orient faculty, tutors, and administrators to LSC program services.

6 Fall Title III Collaborative Activities  Team reported to the division and individual departments about SSC Re-Org  Teams met with departments and collaborated on content for SI instruction in developmental-level classes.

7 Fall 10 Individual Projects in S.I.  Pilot of a 4-wk Verb LART 200 Module  Pilot of a 4-wk Vocabulary LART 200 Module  Meet with ISTs to go over lesson plans and curriculum  Pilot of SI an 8-wk Lab for ESL 251  Pilot of a 4 week Presentation Skills workshop and a 3 week Listening Skills workshop for ESL 251  Implemented and evaluated diagnostics in LART 200 and ESL 251  Conducted class evaluation of pilots

8 Fall 10 Individual Projects in S.I. And Staff Development Julie: Developing 6-wk module for EWRT 211 Developed curriculum and materials for tutor training workshops Ran multiple tutor training sessions Amy: Developed curriculum and materials for tutor training workshops Ran multiple tutor training sessions Meet with peer tutors and SSC staff to collaborate the SI instruction content

9 Fall 10 Individual Projects in S.I. And Staff Development MaryAnne: Ran a week 2 staff training session Collecting and comparing data between Spring and Fall LSC staffing and student use Collecting student feedback on LSC programs F’10 Recruiting volunteers and support staff for W’11 Working with 4 ESL 251 Instructors to evaluate the benefits of the Presentation and Listening Skills workshops for their students

10 Fall 10 Individual Projects in S.I. And Staff Development  Craig and MaryAnne are working on a qualitative survey and quantitative research on student success and retention in modules versus non-module using students.  Data will be taken back to Language Arts departments and made available to the Title III De Anza Team at large

11 Title III Future Plans for Winter and Spring  Developing SI Module for ESL 253 and 251  Expanding SI modules to all EWRT 200 and LART 200  Revising SI Module Curriculum and materials per Fall Evaluation Feedback  Piloting LART 211 SI Module  Development curriculum and materials for SI Class in multiple formats for all developmental EWRT, READ, and ESL classes.

12 Recommendations for Winter and Spring Future Needs:  More ISTs for staffing SI instruction Modules and LSC  Funding for expansion of SI to other class levels  Funding for implementing on-line modules and other modes of SI

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