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The Landuse Evolution and Impact Assessment Model L E A M Brian Deal LEAM Laboratory Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "The Landuse Evolution and Impact Assessment Model L E A M Brian Deal LEAM Laboratory Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Landuse Evolution and Impact Assessment Model L E A M Brian Deal LEAM Laboratory Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Illinois

2 OverviewOverview  Why model?  What is LEAM?  Preliminary results  What role does LEAM play?  Next steps

3 What is Modeling?  Describing how systems behave  Describing different system components  Describing different mechanisms that cause change  Descriptions are typically mathematical expressions  Graphic representations are easier to understand and manipulate

4 Why Model?  Complex systems behave in unexpected (emergent) ways  Caused by feedbacks and lags  Caused by uncertainty  Understanding systems requires knowing  How systems behave “normally”  A range of other systems behaviors  What-if scenarios

5 Why Model?  The model building process is as important as the end result  Helps groups develop a shared understanding  Provides a common frame of reference  Helps create institutional memory

6 What is LEAM?

7 LEAM Approach  Captures causal mechanisms of land-use change  Environmental, Social, Economic  Appropriate scales  Captures dynamics of complex systems  Feedbacks  Lags  Captures impacts of land use change  Causal relationships  Environmental, Social, Economic  Incorporates calibration and validation  Quantify uncertainty data models impacts decisions

8 Land-use DriversLand-use Impacts Map 3 Map 2 Map 1 M M M M MM M M M M M M M M M M M M MM GIS Maps SME Model Drivers Land-use Change Impact Assessment

9 Static Data

10 Proximity Measures

11 Slope Map Slope Score Map Slope Map Development Score

12 mcLEAM Preliminary Results


14 McHenry County

15 Base 2030 Yellow/Red is new growth



18 LEAM base Overlay on Natural resource inventory

19 LEAM base run On Common Ground plan

20 Scenario Analysis  LEAM analysis of  Public policy choices  Public investments  I-90 Interchange at US23  Current condition vs added interchange

21 Comparison map High growth run

22 LEAMs Role in Planning?

23 LEAMs Role  Legacy Planning  Broader applications

24 Legacy Planning Applications  Resource risk assessment  Conflict emergence over time  Dynamic interactions

25 Broader Planning Applications  Beyond Legacy planning  Assessing future outcomes  Public policy  Investments  What-if scenarios  Assessing implications  SOP  Dynamic planning  Uncovering inconsistencies

26 Next Steps  Break Out Sessions  Groups of approx eight  Local expertise and experience  Set of diverse maps are provided  Resource inventory maps  Agricultural Resources, Cultural Resources, Natural Resources  System-of-Plans maps  Region, County, Southwest portion, Marengo, Huntley, Unified  LEAM land-use change maps  Base run, New Ramp scenario, Comparing land-use pattern with regional plans, Comparing land-use pattern with resource inventories  Are these building blocks more generally useful to planning in McHenry County?  What improvements can be made to them?

27 Break Out Sessions  Session 1  Consider how the resource inventory, the System of Plans, and LEAM simulations can be used to create elements of a Local Legacy plan in McHenry County.  1. Are the data in the resource inventories correct? What additional data about resources are needed?  2. Which resources are already protected? Which resources are addressed in plans? Which resources are not addressed?

28 Break Out Sessions  Session 2  New interchange on I-90 at US 23 in southwest McHenry County.  1. How does this proposal relate to other proposals or expectations in existing plans? Are there interesting differences among existing plans in terms of expected land uses, regulations, and capital investments?  2. How might the System of Plans, LEAM, or the Legacy Plan help you usefully discuss and persuasively oppose or support this proposal?

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