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Zeus: Greek god of Awesome Zeus isn’t really the Greek god of awesome. He is the King of the gods, ruler of the universe, and god of weather.

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Presentation on theme: "Zeus: Greek god of Awesome Zeus isn’t really the Greek god of awesome. He is the King of the gods, ruler of the universe, and god of weather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zeus: Greek god of Awesome Zeus isn’t really the Greek god of awesome. He is the King of the gods, ruler of the universe, and god of weather.

2 Hi, I’m Zeus. I’m a Greek god. I have the ability to throw thunder bolts. And I,Oh look a centaur!

3 BOOM!!

4 Ha, Ha got him.

5 Anyway where was I, Oh yeah, I’m Zeus. I live on Mount Olympus with the other gods. Come on I’ll show you.


7 Well look who it is, it’s my brother Poseidon. Hey Zeus you missed Dionysus’ party last night. It was awesome. PARTY!!!

8 Dionysus is the god of wine as you may have guessed. Now let’s go check on the rest of my family.

9 My brother, Hades, is ruler of the underworld. How’s it going in there Hades. I hate this!!

10 Hades doesn’t like being King of the Underworld. The reason he is, is because when I overthrew my father and rescued my brothers and sisters from his stomach, Poseidon, Hades, and I cast lots to see who got what. I became king of the gods, Hades became ruler of the underworld, and Poseidon became ruler of the seas.

11 After defeating my father Kronos, I locked him and the other Titans in Tartarus.

12 These are some of my children. AthenaApolloArtemisHermes DionysusHercules Ares

13 My symbols are an oak tree, a bull, and an eagle.

14 This is the Statue of Zeus(me). It is one of the Ancient Wonders of the World. Because I am awesome.

15 This concludes Zeus: Greek god of Awesome BYE EVERYONE!

16 Now go away.

17 I mean it.

18 Alright, I guess you left me no choice.


20 BOOM!!

21 END

22 Bibliography World Religions. Parrinder, Geoffrey. Newnes Books, 1983. Zeus-Greek God Zeus. 2009. 9/3/09 Greek Mythology Link. Parada, Carlos. 1997. 9/2/09

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