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Hermes and the Mystery of his Staff. The Caduceus and Hippocrates.

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Presentation on theme: "Hermes and the Mystery of his Staff. The Caduceus and Hippocrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hermes and the Mystery of his Staff

2 The Caduceus and Hippocrates

3 Asclepius Patron god of doctors, like Hippocrates Son of Apollo Staff with snake Killed for bringing people back to life

4 Hermes’ Staff vs. Asclepius’ Rod

5 Zeus fights a Snakey Creature - Typhoeus

6 Apollo fights a snakey creature - Python

7 Apollo and the ‘Pythia’ After defeating the Python at Delphi, he names his priestess the Pythia

8 Curve-ball: Gilgamesh 1,800 BC – Epic of Gilgamesh written a Sumerian King of Uruk Ruled ~ 2,500 BC Sought immortality. Found a plant of immortality but someone stole it….. guess who

9 A serpentine slitherer

10 The ‘Immortality’ of Serpents

11 What does this have to do with Hermes’ staff?

12 Greek: Hermes Roman: Mercury


14 His Name Hermes: a ‘herm’ is a boundary stone/marker. – Significance for travelers – Crossing borders Mercury: Latin mercari = ‘to trade’ – How are the Greek and Roman god connected?

15 Titles Argeiphontes: The Argus-Slayer Dolios: Crafty/Tricky Hodios: Highwayman Oneiropompos: Dream-Conductor Psychopompos / Psychogogos: Soul-Conductor


17 Hermes in modern art


19 Homeric Hymn to Hermes read the story. in groups, discuss, and answer questions about it.

20 Homeric Hymn to Hermes The lyre

21 Homeric Hymn to Hermes How does the ‘hymn’ praise Hermes? What do we learn about him that is admirable or awesome? He is the god of….

22 Homeric Hymn to Hermes How does the ‘hymn’ praise Hermes? What do we learn about him that is admirable or awesome? He is the god of trickery, thieves, exchange, roads, crossroads, crossing boundaries, and, yes, he is the ‘messenger of the gods’.

23 Hermes Genealogy Zeus Hermes Autolycus Anticleia Odysseus Telemachus Maia

24 The Greatest Boundary of All: Death

25 Hermes the Psychopomp(os) Death Sleep The Death of Sarpedon

26 The Gift Exchange Once Zeus gets involved Hermes returns Apollo’s cattle. But he soothes his brother’s anger by playing sweet music on his lyre. Hermes then gives Apollo his lyre. Apollo is hereafter thought of as the god of music. What does Apollo give Hermes in return? ….


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