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What is a coach?. The role of a coach.. Act as a mentor and critical friend, helping the participant reflect and review their progress throughout the.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a coach?. The role of a coach.. Act as a mentor and critical friend, helping the participant reflect and review their progress throughout the."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a coach?

2 The role of a coach.. Act as a mentor and critical friend, helping the participant reflect and review their progress throughout the programme. Help with issues that are highlighted by the participant by providing knowledge and expertise in leadership and management. Engage in triangulated support with the facilitator and the Headteacher, as appropriate. Be able to commit at time during the programme to work with the participant. Support the Leadership Challenges

3 Being a Coach Look at the quotations and select 9 that you would like to include in your personal skills. Put your quotes into a “Diamond 9” BUT be prepared to justify your selection to other people. 3

4 Being prepared to encourage others to look around for solutions Knowing where to learn as well as what to learn Pointing out to the horse where the water is but letting them find the way How you could rather than how you should Not being deterred by mistakes but being able to offer alternatives Knowing when to step in and when to back off Doing things in a way that’s right for them Keeping things real Being able to do things but letting others do them instead Establishing rapport and trust Listening for meaning Questions for understanding Prompts action, understanding and learning Develops confidence and celebrates success You may want to add some of your own – please feel free to include these on your Diamond 9 4

5 Share your “Diamond 9” with a partner What things are common in your view of the role? What differences exist? Were any additional statements added to the Quotes bank? After consideration would YOU change anything in your selection? Write an offer statement from you as a learning coach to your colleague as a participant. 5

6 Coaching skills Establishing rapport and trust Listening for meaning Questioning for understanding Prompting action, reflection and learning Developing confidence and success Developing thinking skills Creating independent learners

7 Learning journey Plot your journey Where do you see yourself fitting in on the participants learning journey? Consider these elements: Help analyse 360 Reflect on sessions Help identify gap Provide re-assurance and guidance on action plans Act as a critical friend

8 Next steps: -Dates for your diary -Discuss 360° report with participant -Arrange timetable for contact time with each participant

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