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Research paper In a nutshell. Event Pick an event, not an issue of a modern day “witch hunt” or mass hysteria Understand what mass hysteria is and CHOOSE.

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Presentation on theme: "Research paper In a nutshell. Event Pick an event, not an issue of a modern day “witch hunt” or mass hysteria Understand what mass hysteria is and CHOOSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research paper In a nutshell

2 Event Pick an event, not an issue of a modern day “witch hunt” or mass hysteria Understand what mass hysteria is and CHOOSE an event of mass hysteria/witch hunt to research.  What is mass hysteria? How does it happen and how is it explained psychologically?  What makes your chosen event an example of mass hysteria or a witch hunt rather than an angry mob?  How did your event begin and end (or is it continuing)?  What were/are the consequences of your event on the people and communities involved?  What lessons can be learned from your event?  Anything else you think is vital to the event and its impact on history

3 Sources Your research must contain at least FOUR sources. One must be in print. Although you are researching an event, you may need to spend some time researching the issue to add background to your paper Have an OPINION and use your research to support it. Say something NEW about your chosen event; include original thinking Your thesis must be approved by me NO Wikipedia – only credible sources

4 Format Proper MLA At least four pages in length (this does not include your works cited page)  12-pt font (use Times New Roman)  Double-space entire document, including Works Cited/Consulted  All margins should be set at one-inch—if not, I won’t accept the paper. Do not justify your margins.  Make sure your indents aren't too long… each paragraph indent should be about ½ inch or five spaces (check your tabs—you can reset them if needed)  Make sure to hit the space bar twice between sentences.  Last name and page number headers on each page, upper right corner (see above) 1/2-inch from the top of the page (I’ll show you how if you’re not sure)  No title page. Double-space your name, teacher name, course title, date, paper title, and then begin your essay. Note that your entire intro (and paper) is only double-spaced; there aren't any big gaping holes. Nothing fancy for the title – just the same font and size as everything else.  Use italics for emphasis, not CAPS, bold, or copious quotation and/or exclamation marks!!

5 Research Packet You will need note cards You will turn them in for a grade Consult research packet for additional information Use GoogleDocs to turn in your paper. Be sure to share it with me and give me permission to comment. That way I can grade it and provide feedback without having to print it out. For the record…papers will not be accepted late. An excused absence does not extend the due date. If for ANY reason your paper is not turned in on November 4/5, your paper will be automatically reduced by half. After a day, it will not be accepted.

6 Presentation You will present your research to the class in the form of a 3-5 minute speech. You may use one note card. You must have a ppt or prezi as a visual representation of your paper. speak clearly and audibly demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the topic do not read from the visual or notes but elaborate upon or add to the content of the visual Speech enhances the class’s knowledge of the event Dress is appropriate and professional

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