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NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

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2 NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

3 Plessy v. Ferguson Separate Separate but equal 1896 Thurgood Marshall : Chief lawyer for the NAACP

4 Brown v. Board of Education Began integration in the schools

5 Little Rock, Arkansas…1957 The Little Rock Nine Little Rock governor Orval Faubus opposed integration

6 President Eisenhower... Sent hundreds of soldiers to patrol the school grounds and protect the students.

7 When did Rosa Park refuse to give up her seat on the bus? December 1, 1955 (lasted 1 year) Boycott : A refusal to use-the city’s buses 75% of riders were AfricanAmerican

8 He followed tactics of: A.Phillip Randolph and Gandhi Who assassinated him? James Earl Ray in Memphis Famous speech: I have a dream… Retracing_Dr__King_s_Steps_in_Mem phis.asf ***He became the leader of the civil rights movement.

9 S C L C Southern Christian Leadership Conference started by King and 60 ministers – non violent protest

10 Mohandas Gandhi….. He used nonviolent protest to help India gain independence from Great Britain. civil disobedience : The refusal to obey the ways that are considered unjust.

11 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Section 2

12 35 th president U.S. Navy –WW II U.S. Senator 1946/Mass. Wrote Profiles in Courage (about difficult decisions) New Frontier Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald while in Dallas, TX First Catholic President of the U.S.

13 Kennedy – 49.7% Nixon – 49.5%

14  Social programs  More money for education  Help poor people get jobs  Help African Americans fight for civil rights

15  November 22, 1963  Dallas, Texas  Lee Harvey Oswald  Oswald killed by Jack Ruby

16 Kennedy’s Vice President:President Lyndon Johnson “Great Society” WARWAR WARWAR ONON P O V E R T Y 22 years in Congress

17 Head Start Upward Bound - Job Corps VISTA - Volunteers in Service to America Head Start Upward Bound - Job Corps VISTA - Volunteers in Service to America Preschool education Helped poor kids attend college Training to young people who want work

18 HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development Helped fund public housing projects

19 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibited discrimination against African Americans in employment, voting, and public accommodations.

20 Medicare : helped pay for medial care for senior citizens Medicaid: helped poor people pay hospital bills. Medicare : helped pay for medial care for senior citizens Medicaid: helped poor people pay hospital bills.

21 Section 3

22 SNCCSNCC tudent onviolent oordination ommittee

23 F R E D O M Riders

24 Sit ins


26 The lawyer for the NAACP that challenged the idea of “separate but equal” Thurgood Marshall

27 1 st African American to enroll at the University of Mississippi? James Meredith

28 Gov. George Wallace at the University of Alabama

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