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Urinalysis Lab Students will:

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Presentation on theme: "Urinalysis Lab Students will:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Urinalysis Lab Students will:
analyze a distilled water sample to become familiar with various indicators. Analyze a normal individuals urine samples Analyze urine samples from 2 patients to determine potential health problems and diagnose possible disorders. 1

2 Always practice lab safety !
I,m glad her forehead is safe, but what about her eyes?

3 Using this lab test for the following chemicals:
pH Salt Action Buttons: returns you back to each urine sample Previous slide Next slide Protein Glucose

4 Testing Distilled Water

5 Normal Sample A TEST FOR:

6 Sample B TEST FOR:

7 Unknown Sample TEST FOR:

8 Test results for pH Test strip pH=9

9 Test results for pH pH=7

10 Test for Protein No Protein

11 Test for Protein Protein Present

12 Test for Salt This test results: CLUMPS Formed
We used silver nitrate (AgNO3) as our indicator. If solid clumps formed, the test is POSITIVE for the presence of salt in the urine. This test results: CLUMPS Formed

13 Test for Salt This test results: No CLUMPS
We used silver nitrate (AgNO3) as our indicator. If solid clumps formed, the test is POSITIVE for the presence of salt in the urine. This test results: No CLUMPS

14 Test for Glucose No glucose

15 Test for Glucose Glucose present

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