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Published byMagnus McCormick Modified over 9 years ago
Impact of large 13 on long- baseline measurements at PINGU PINGU Workshop Erlangen university May 5, 2012 Walter Winter Universität Würzburg TexPoint fonts used in EMF: AAAAA A A A
2 Contents Introduction Oscillation physics using a core-crossing baseline Neutrino beam to PINGU: Beams and detector parameterization Detector requirements for large 13 Matter density measurement? Summary
3 Three flavor mixing Use same parameterization as for CKM matrix Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix ( ) ( ) ( ) =xx (s ij = sin ij c ij = cos ij ) Potential CP violation ~ 13
4 13 discovery 2012 First evidence from T2K, Double Chooz Discovery (~ 5 ) independently (?) by Daya Bay, RENO (from arXiv:1204.1249) 1 error bars Daya Bay 3
5 Three flavors: 6 params (3 angles, one phase; 2 x m 2 ) Describes solar and atmospheric neutrino anomalies, as well as reactor antineutrino disapp.! Three flavors: Summary Coupling : 13 Atmospheric oscillations: Amplitude: 23 Frequency : m 31 2 Solar oscillations : Amplitude: 12 Frequency : m 21 2 Suppressed effect : CP (Super-K, 1998; Chooz, 1999; SNO 2001+2002; KamLAND 2002; Daya Bay, RENO 2012) MH?
6 Consequences Parameter space for CP starts to become constrained; MH/CPV difficult (need to exclude CP =0 and ) Need new facility! Huber, Lindner, Schwetz, Winter, 2009
7 Mass hierarchy measurement? Mass hierarchy [sgn( m 2 )] discovery possible with atmospheric neutrinos? (liquid argon, HyperK, MEMPHYS, INO, PINGU?, LENA?, …) Barger et al, arXiv:1203.6012; Smirnov‘s talk! However: also long-baseline proposals! (LBNO: superbeam ~ 2200 km – LAGUNA design study; CERN-SuperK ~ 8870 km – Agarwalla, Hernandez, arXiv:1204.4217) Perhaps different facilities for MH and CPV proposed/discussed?
Oscillation physics using a core-crossing baseline
9 Matter profile of the Earth … as seen by a neutrino (PREM: Preliminary Reference Earth Model) Core Inner core
10 Beams to PINGU? Labs and potential detector locations (stars) in “deep underground“ laboratories: (Agarwalla, Huber, Tang, Winter, 2010) FNAL-PINGU: 11620 km CERN-PINGU: 11810 km RAL-PINGU: 12020 km JHF-PINGU: 11370 km All these baselines cross the Earth‘s outer core!
11 Matter effect (MSW) Ordinary matter: electrons, but no , Coherent forward scattering in matter: Net effect on electron flavor Hamiltonian in matter (matrix form, flavor space): Y: electron fraction ~ 0.5 (electrons per nucleon) (Wolfenstein, 1978; Mikheyev, Smirnov, 1985)
12 Parameter mapping (two flavors) Oscillation probabilities in vacuum: matter: Matter resonance: In this case: - Effective mixing maximal - Effective osc. frequency minimal For appearance, m 31 2 : - ~ 4.7 g/cm 3 (Earth’s mantle): E res ~ 7 GeV - ~ 10.8 g/cm 3 (Earth’s outer core): E res ~ 3 GeV Resonance energy: MH
13 Mantle-core-mantle profile Probability for CERN-PINGU (numerical) (Parametric enhancement: Akhmedov, 1998; Akhmedov, Lipari, Smirnov, 1998; Petcov, 1998) Core resonance energy Mantle resonance energy Inter- ference Threshold effects expected at: 2 GeV5 GeV10 GeV Beam energy and detector thresh. have to pass these! Is that part useful? Challenge: Relative size of CP -terms smaller for longer L
Neutrino beam to PINGU? Beams and detector parameterization
15 There are three possibilities to artificially produce neutrinos Beta decay: Example: Nuclear reactors, Beta beams Pion decay: From accelerators: Muon decay: Muons produced by pion decays! Neutrino Factory Muons, neutrinos Possible neutrino sources Protons TargetSelection, focusing Pions Decay tunnel Absorber Neutrinos Superbeam
16 Considered setups (for details: Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028, arXiv:1110.5908; Sec. 3) Single baseline reference setups: Idea: similar beam, but detector replaced by PINGU/MICA [need to cover ~ 2 – 5 GeV]: L [km]
17 Want to study e - oscillations Beta beams: In principle best choice for PINGU (need muon flavor ID only) Superbeams: Need (clean) electron flavor sample. Difficult? Neutrino factory: Need charge identification of + and - (normally) Oscillation channels
18 PINGU fiducial volume? In principle: Mton-size detector in relevant ranges: Unclear how that evolves with cuts for flavor-ID etc. (background reduction); MICA even larger? Use effective detector parameterization to study requirements: E th, V eff, E res (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028; V eff somewhat smaller than Jason‘s current results) E th V eff E res ( E) = E
19 Detector paramet.: mis-ID misIDtracks << misID <~ 1 ? (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028) misID: fraction of events of a specific channel mis-identified as signal
Detector requirements for large 13
21 Superbeam Mass hierarchy measurement very robust (even with large misID and total rates only possible) Even with much smaller-scale beam? Existing equipment, such as CNGS? NuMI? CPV not promising (requires flavor mis-ID at the level of 1%, V eff > 5 Mt, E res = 0.2 E or better) (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028) (misIDtracks = 0.01) Fraction of CP
22 NuMI-like beam to PINGU? Difference to atmospherics: can even live without energy resolution and cascade ID (NC and added) (if some track ID and systematics controlled) NuMI
23 Beta beam Similar results for mass hierarchy measurement (easy) CPV not so promising: long L, asymmetric beam energies (at least in CERN-SPS limited case ~656 for 8 B and =390 for 8 Li) although moderate detector requirements (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028) (misID ~ 0.001, E th =2 GeV, E res =50% E, V eff =5 Mt)
24 Neutrino factory No magnetic field, no charge identification Need to disentangle P e and P by energy resolution: (from: Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028 ; for non-magnetized detectors, see Huber, Schwetz, Phys. Lett. B669 (2008) 294) )
25 contamination Challenge: Reconstructed at lower energies! (Indumathi, Sinha, PRD 80 (2009) 113012; Donini, Gomez Cadenas, Meloni, JHEP 1102 (2011) 095) Choose low enough E to avoid Need event migration matrices (from detector simulation) for reliable predictions! (neutral currents etc) (sin 2 2 13 =0.1) (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028)
26 Precision measurements? … only if good enough energy resolution ~ 10% E and misID (cascades versus tracks) <~ 1% can be achieved! (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028)
The BONUS program: Matter density measurement of the Earth‘s core?
28 Example: Superbeam Precision ~ 0.5% (1 ) Highly competitive to seismic waves (seismic shear waves cannot propagate in the liquid core!) (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028)
29 Conclusions [my personal view] Superbeams Electron sample (cascades) probably contaminated by other flavors; therefore precision measurements unlikely Interesting option: Use more or less existing equipment for a mass hierarchy measurement? (e.g. CNGS/MINOS with new beam line?) Bonus: matter density measurement of Earth‘s core Unique experiment as low-budget alternative to LBNE? Neutrino factory Energy resolution critical, since non-magnetized detector Detector simulation needed to produce event migration matrices for reliable conclusions if E res ~ 10% E achievable? Beta beams Intrinsically best-suited for PINGU/MICA: flavor-clean beam, requires muon neutrino flavor-ID However: need high intensity, high energy 8 B- 8 Li setups for reasonable sensitivities; there are better ways to build a beta beam for large 13 to do both MH+CPV
30 Statement of PINGU collaboration needed now (or never)!?
32 Beams: Appearance channels (Cervera et al. 2000; Freund, Huber, Lindner, 2000; Akhmedov et al, 2004) Antineutrinos: Magic baseline: L~ 7500 km: Clean measurement of 13 (and mass hierarchy) for any energy, value of oscillation parameters! (Huber, Winter, 2003; Smirnov 2006) In combination with shorter baseline, a wide range of very long baseline will do! (Gandhi, Winter, 2006; Kopp, Ota, Winter, 2008)
33 Quantification of performance Example: CP violation discovery Sensitive region as a function of true 13 and CP CP values now stacked for each 13 Read: If sin 2 2 13 =10 -3, we expect a discovery for 80% of all values of CP No CPV discovery if CP too close to 0 or No CPV discovery for all values of CP 33 ~ Precision in quark sector! Best performance close to max. CPV ( CP = /2 or 3 /2)
34 Effective volume Difference E th = 2 GeV, V eff =5 Mt to actual (energy-dependent) fiducial volume: (Tang, Winter, JHEP 1202 (2012) 028)
35 Note: Pure baseline effect! A 1: Matter resonance VL baselines (1) (Factor 1) 2 (Factor 2) 2 (Factor 1)(Factor 2) Prop. To L 2 ; compensated by flux prop. to 1/L 2
36 Factor 1: Depends on energy; can be matter enhanced for long L; however: the longer L, the stronger change off the resonance Factor 2: Always suppressed for longer L; zero at “magic baseline” (indep. of E, osc. Params) VL baselines (2) ( m 31 2 = 0.0025, =4.3 g/cm 3, normal hierarchy) Factor 2 always suppresses CP and solar terms for very long baselines; note that these terms include 1/L 2 -dep.!
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