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The 4-Day Email Strategy And these are random pencils that came with this template.

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Presentation on theme: "The 4-Day Email Strategy And these are random pencils that came with this template."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 4-Day Email Strategy And these are random pencils that came with this template

2 The Formula Day 1 – The Fast Action Bonus Day 2 – The problem and how YOUR program is the solution Day 3 – Content with a sample workout (give them what they want and they will want more) Day 4 – The Top 10 Approach/Deadline (URGENCY)

3 Day 1 – Your Fast Action Bonus Your fast action bonus should be something that compliments your main product It needs to be something that people get excited about Also explain why your program is different Look! More random colored pencils!

4 Day 1 – Fast Action Bonus

5 Day 2 – Agitate the Problem and Explain Why Your Program is the Solution Why do other programs fail? What is different about yours and how does it solve the problem? Look! Even MORE random colored pencils!

6 Day 2 – Hormones are the Problem and Challenge Fat Loss Workouts are the Solution Look! Even MORE random colored pencils! Me no have problem with the cortisolzzz with me 20-minute challenge workoutzzzz. By the way I’m 50. Holla’!

7 Day 3 – Agitate the Problem More and Give them a Sample with Content Give them a taste of what they can expect and they will want more By offering a free sample, your affiliates would be more willing to share with their readers because of the content Wow! MORE random colored pencils?

8 Day 4 – The Top 10 Workouts You MUST Do and the Top 10 Reasons Why Your Readers Need This Program The top 10 workouts peak their interest and gets the readers excited The top 10 reasons overcome any objections they might be having Always emphasize the deadline to get your program at a discount. Dude! More random colored pencils!

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