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MAP OF EUROPE AT 1100 A.D. BRING YOUR OWN COLORED PENCILS, IF YOU HAVE THEM. Get a new bellwork sheet. Bellwork for 1/6/2015 Name 5 words that come to.

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Presentation on theme: "MAP OF EUROPE AT 1100 A.D. BRING YOUR OWN COLORED PENCILS, IF YOU HAVE THEM. Get a new bellwork sheet. Bellwork for 1/6/2015 Name 5 words that come to."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAP OF EUROPE AT 1100 A.D. BRING YOUR OWN COLORED PENCILS, IF YOU HAVE THEM. Get a new bellwork sheet. Bellwork for 1/6/2015 Name 5 words that come to mind when you think about the European Middle Ages. I AM checking floppy folders today. I will collect them after going over the bellwork.

2 What was ONE good thing (gifts NOT included) that happened to you over Christmas break? Final Thought

3 MAINTENANCE DAY PLEASE RETRIEVE YOUR BINDERS FROM THE BACK BOOKSHELF Bellwork for 1/7/2015 Compare the historical map of Europe you did yesterday to the modern day map of Europe. What has changed and what has stayed the same?

4 Lots of things to do so made a listlist  Discuss Unit 4 Test and Test CorrectionsCorrections  Move things out of floppy folder and place in notebook, behind the Unit 4 tab divider. Floppy folder should be empty except for this week’s bellwork and European map.floppy folder  Pass out NEW Unit 5 folder work. Place in floppy folder.  Pass out essays, put in writing folder, record grade. Take writing folder home and have parent sign IT (the folder) for 5 extra points. Bring back tomorrow  Create Unit 5 tab divider Europe 400 A.D.-1500s

5 Test CorrectionsCorrections  Take test home and have parent sign the bubble sheet, near the top please; this will be 5 points  Then, on separate sheet of paper  1. Write the question  2.Write the answer (not just the letter, the written answer, map questions, describe where it is on the map)  3. Explain where in your work (notes, worksheet) the answer was discussed in class OR why that is the correct answer  For each correction you do, you will get a point added to your test.

6 Things to transfertransfer  East Asia Map  Timeline  Important People and Places  Chinese Religion and Government Notes  Mongol Empire Worksheet  Japan During the Middle Ages Notes  Questions on The Analects

7 Glance over your essay. What are some things that you need to work on to improve your writing? If you made a 100, what would be some tips you could give to someone? Final Thought

8 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO DAY 1 PAPER PUSHERS, HAND OUT SOME GRADED WORK PLEASE Bellwork for 1/8/2015 Compare the climate type of Europe to the circled area of the United States. What is each climate type? Why do you think Europe has a warmer climate even though it on the same latitude line?

9 How was the feudalism in Europe the same as the feudalism we discussed in Japan? Final Thought

10 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO DAY 2 PLANNER CHECKERS, CHECK SOME PLANNERS PLEASE Bellwork for 1/9/2015 Using your video notes from yesterday, compare and contrast the lives of the nobility to that of the serfs. What would be a modern day American equivalent to medieval nobility and serfs?

11 It’s Friday! What is one good thing that happened to you this week? Final Thought

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