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Published bySusanna Arnold Modified over 9 years ago
ASSESSING OF THE PROJECTS PROMOTING INNOVATIONS IN RURAL AREAS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Marie Pechrová Czech University of Life Sciences Prague September 18-19, 2012
1. Content Introduction Methods Results Understanding of term innovation by LEADER Local Action Groups Relative importance of innovations in the projects based on the share of scoring points based on the share of finances Conclusion References
2. Introduction Innovation - key driver of economic growth at the heart of the knowledge economy The social and cultural dimensions of innovation are often neglected Innovations - not only in urban areas Special innovation factors in regions cooperation between different actors mutual learning Both principles in LEADER approach towards rural development
LEADER programme Designed to develop innovative approaches to the rural development Buttom-up approach, involvement of local actors, mobilization of local knowledge, strengthening the social capital Multi-actor, multi-level, multi-dimensional Projects chosen by LAG
The role of the Local Action Groups LAGs submitted Strategic Plans LEADER (SPL) in accordance with Rural Development Programme (2007-2013) Acredited LAGs cofinanced from EAFRD LAGs’ selection committee - projects according to the preferential criteria: Some criteria obligatory – e.g. innovation, some voluntary Weight of preferential criteria – left on the LAG
3. Methods LAGs – know the best how to develop the area => the selection process of the projects examined 1st objective: To assess the understanding of the term innovation by LAGs Content analyses of LAGs’ SPLs 2nd objective: To assess the relative importance of innovations in the projects Share of preferential score for innovations on the total preferential score Share of finances for innovative projects IV.1.2 Realization of local development strategy – 10th call for grants: 21 LAGs
4. Results (1) Innovation in the way of cooperation Cooperation between sectors9 Involvement of local community6 Community planning5 New management methods5 New forms of cooperation5 New ways of communication5 Cooperation between regions4 Establishing of LAG2 New methods of cooperation1 42 Introduction of new products /services / technologies / activities Local products / services10 New action / activity4 Recontructions3 Introducing of a new technology2 Missing service1 Production of a new product1 21 Innovations in the area of tourism / education Tourism6 Education3 9 Understanding of term innovation by Local Action Groups Source: Own calculations
4. Results (2) *(score for innovation/total preferential score) x 100 Average score to innovative projects – 9.46 % Standard deviation – 4.86 % Rýmařovsko, p.s.c. – max. 25 % LAG nad Orlicí – min. 0.79 % Relative importance of innovations in projects - the share of scoring points Name of the LAG Av. Score* 1LAG nad Orlicí 3,22% 2LAG p.s.c. for Czech paradise 11,90% 3LAG Krkonoše 3,57% 4LAG Gate to the Czech paradise 7,78% 5LAG Opavsko 7,43% 6LAG Blanický forest - Netolicko 10,20% 7LAG Posázaví 3,47% 8„Strážnicko“ Local Action Group 4,24% 9Kyjovské Slovácko in move 13,72% 10Local Action Group Hříběcí mountains, c.a. not available 11LAG - Partnership Moštěnka, c.a. 14,83% 12Civic association Aktivios 8,69% 13Rýmařovsko, p.s.c. 19,57% 14Vyhlídky, c.a 3,91% 15Region Pošembeří, p.s.c. 6,69% 16Moravian path (Litovelsko-Pomoraví), c.a. 14,76% 17LAG BYSTŘIČKA, p.s.c. 18,38% 18Development partnership of Region Hranicko 8,14% 19Region HANÁ, c.a. 6,12% 20LAG Pošumaví 9,85% 21LAG of Mikroregion Frýdlantsko 13,13% Source: Own calculations
4. Results (3) Financial plans in SPL The amount of finances devoted to the Fiche, where innovations have relatively high weight in the selection process 27 projects with high score for innovations- selected 12.23 % of the finances devoted to the Fiche with highly scored innovative projects Relative importance of innovations in projects - the share of finances (1)
4. Results (4) 3 LAGs support innovative project with the highest share of finances from financial plans in SPLs 1. LAG - Partnership Moštěnka, c.a. --- on Fiche 2: Colourful life in our home in the rural area (innovations 50/640 points (15.63 %)) 40% finances 2. LAG Region HANÁ, c.a. --- Fiche 4: Development of the municipalities, infrastructure and services (innovations 30/520) 15 % finances 3. LAG, BYSTŘIČKA, p.s.c. --- Fiche 2: Village renewal and development (innovations 50/250) 20 % finances Relative importance of innovations in projects - the share of finances (2)
5. Conclusion SPL submitted by LAGs analysed and their approach towards innovation evaluated Various types of projects are understood as innovative - sometimes the term is misinterpreted The share of preferential criteria for selection of the projects with innovation Low relative score Obligatory criteria for selecting projects mostly formal Finances devoted to the Fiches which includes innovative projects No adequate attention paid to the real contribution of the projects to innovations
6. References (1) Association of DHV CR, spol. s r.o. and TIMA Liberec, s.r.o. (2010) Zpráva o střednědobém hodnocení. Průběžné hodnocení Programu rozvoje venkova ČR za období 2007 - 2013. [online], Available: [10 Nov 2011]. Civic association Aktivios (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [11 Jun 2012]. Dargan, L., Shuccksmith, M. (2008) ‘LEADER and Innovation’, European Society for Rural Sociology, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 274-291. Development partnership of Region Hranicko (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [20 Jun 2012]. Fritsch, M. and Slavtech, V. (2011) ‘The Determinants of the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems’, Regional studies, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 905-918. Hooghe, L. (1996) Cohesion Policy and European Integration. Building Multi-level Governance, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hradiská, A. and Hudec, O. (2010) ‘Kritické faktory úspešnej implementácie v prístupe LEADER’, Region Direct, vol. 1, no. 2, pp 32-51.
6. References (2) Kyjovské Slovácko in move (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [12 Jun 2012]. LAG BYSTŘIČKA, p.s.c. 2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [20 Jun 2012]. LAG Blanický forest - Netolicko (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [11 Jun 2012]. LAG Gate to the Czech paradise (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [10 Jun 2012]. LAG Krkonoše (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: http://www.mas- [10 Jun 2012]. LAG nad Orlicí (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [10 Jun 2012]. LAG of Mikroregion Frýdlantsko (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [26 Jun 2012]. LAG Opavsko (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [10 Jun 2012]. LAG p.s.c. for Czech paradise (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [10 Jun 2012].
6. References (3) LAG - Partnership Moštěnka, c.a. (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [12 Jun 2012]. LAG Posázaví (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [11 Jun 2012]. LAG Pošumaví (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [20 Jun 2012]. Local Action Group Hříběcí mountains, c.a. (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [12 Jun 2012]. Moravian path (Litovelsko-Pomoraví), c.a. (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [20 Jun 2012]. Papadopoulou, E., Hasanagas, N., Harvey, D. (2011) ‘Analysis of rural development policy networks in Greece: Is LEADER really different?’, Land Use Policy, vol. 28, pp. 663-673. Region HANÁ, c.a. (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [20 Jun 2012]. Region Pošembeří, p.s.c. (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [14 Jun 2012]. Rýmařovsko, p.s.c. (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [13 Jun 2012]. Steiner, M., Kirschner, E., Harder, S. (2011) ‘Innovation in rural areas? Exploring the potential for co-operation, knowledge and competitiveness’, Region Direct vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 5889. Strážnicko Local Action Group 2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [11 Jun 2012]. Vidal, R. V. (2009) ‘Community facilitation of problem structuring and decision making processes: Experiences from the EU LEADER+ programme’, European Journal of Operational Research, no. 199, pp. 803–810. Vyhlídky, c.a (2012) Strategic plan LEADER, Fiche [online], Available: [13 Jun 2012].
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