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By: David Harel & Eran Grey Presenter: Elizabeth Antony CISC 836.

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Presentation on theme: "By: David Harel & Eran Grey Presenter: Elizabeth Antony CISC 836."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: David Harel & Eran Grey Presenter: Elizabeth Antony CISC 836


3  Models for the development of Object Oriented System should be:  Behaviorally expressive  Well structured  And intuitive  Semantics should be rigorously defined

4  Semantics not well defined => produce fully executability and automatic code synthesis impossible  Statecharts must capture not only the state of the object as a precondition to service requests, but also the dynamics of the object’s internal behavior in responding to those requests and in maintaining relationships with other objects.

5 Focuses on developing an integrated set of diagrammatic languages for object modelling, built around Statecharts. Language set includes : Object Model Diagrams StateCharts

6  Statecharts extend statemachines or state diagrams with three elements namely, hierarchy, concurrency and communications  Complex systems such as multicomputer real time systems, communication protocols and digital control units Source: [1]

7  Each car  Cruise control  Engine  Max speed till it is within 80 yards from another car  Each Platform  Single car  Car within 100 yards from the terminal  platform and  entrance segments allocated  Car departing terminal  after being parked for 90 secs  Exit segment allocated  Turns off the destination indicator

8 One diagram/system Classes Structural relationships unidirectional bidirectional partof Relationship Name or role its Car can refer to a set of its terminals it stopsAt

9 Passenger->itsCar->stopsAt Set of all terminals that the car Carrying the passenger stopsAt System->itsTerminal[1:6] Is the object model diagram concerned with the static aspects only? System refers to an explicit composite object that encloses the entire model

10  Initialisation:  What object instances are created at the start and how the attributes and relationships with other objects are set up.  Dynamics over time:  Dynamics concerns the way models behave while running.  Triggers like events, operations change the model status

11 Composite structures Associationsinitialisation scripts

12  Setting up relation ships and defining how instances collaborate  Unambiguous  Ambiguous but bounded  unworkable Unambiguous Unworkable

13 for (int car = 0; car < 6; car++) { System -> itsCar[2*car] = new Car(System -> itsTerminal[car]); System -> itsCar[2*car+1] = new Car(System -> itsTerminal[car]) }

14  An extension to statemachines and statediagrams  Used to model complex systems  Describe how objects communicate and collaborate and how they carry out their internal behavior  It must also reflect issues such as inheritance.

15  Object Communication and Collaboration:  Objects generate events (asynchronous)  Invoke operation on an other object (synchronous) Obj B Obj A ObjC Queue Server - > gen(( ( )) gen( ( )) // events that are generated within and limited to the present state chart

16  Event delegation  If server A is a composite object Who responds to the event e addressed to A ? Composite object endowed with forwarding spec  delegate(e,B)  delegate(e,B,C,…)  broadcast(e) Delegation continues down the tree of composites

17  -> ( )  Method call within the called object  ( )

18  Statecharts can be  Full State hierarchy Multilevel orthogonal Components History connectors and Broadcast communication used to describe “modal”  `Partial statecharts Only to specify pre and post conditions of operations Discard concurrent states and broadcast mechanism

19  Reactions of the form  Trigger[condition]/action-list  Reactions can be adorned on the transition arrow or within a state’s reaction spec  A trigger – either an event expression or an operation request  Action – sequences of event generation expressions, operation invocations, and C++ statements

20  in(s)  test if the current statechart configuration includes the state s  tm(ev,n)  occurs t time units after event ev; the clock is reset to 0 upon each occurrence of event ev

21  Creating and deleting instances  = new ( )  delete(object)  Adding and removing components from a composite instance  = add ()  Remove ( )  Ex., stopsAt - > add(term)  Car is now scheduled to stop at the term also

22  Actions for maintaining association relationships  Adding an object to the other end of a relationship  - > add( )  - > remove( )

23  Entrance to the statechart’s top level state is the initialisation entrance for any newly created instance of the object.  A reaction attached to the top level default arrow serves as an intialisation script for instances of that class.





28 Establishing relationship between statecharts of a parent class A and its inherited subclass B: Base the two statecharts on the same underlying state/transition topology. Modify states by : decomposing a basic state by Or (substates) or by And (into orthogonal components) Modify the conditions and change the action-list by deleting some actions and adding new ones.

29  At the time the paper was written (1996),  Event delegation was not implemented.  This paper does not talk about concurrency  Inheritance  Rhapsody tool was not fully developed.  I-Logix released Rhapsody in 1996  Now it is one of the products of IBM Rational Software Unit.

30  techarts.pdf techarts.pdf  Harel, D.; Gery, E., "Executable object modeling with statecharts," Computer, vol.30, no.7, pp.31,42, Jul 1997  Statecharts: a visual formalism for complex systems by David Harel, Department of Applied Mathematics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel,1987 David Harel

31 Thank you.

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