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Media Relations Tips By: Juana Cetoute, Crystal Ortiz, Taylor Sarni, Caroline Schneider, and Althea Tyrell.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Relations Tips By: Juana Cetoute, Crystal Ortiz, Taylor Sarni, Caroline Schneider, and Althea Tyrell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Relations Tips By: Juana Cetoute, Crystal Ortiz, Taylor Sarni, Caroline Schneider, and Althea Tyrell

2 The Value of Media ● Media reinforces the importance of written communications ● It offers a good opportunity for communication but comes with some risk

3 Choosing the correct medium: ● Newspaper ● Television ● Radio ● Internet (Social Media)

4 Newspaper ● Formal, Informative ● There is immediate credibility and legitimacy through the editorial ● Advertisement vs. Article

5 Radio and Television ● Both are informal mediums of entertainment ● When targeting an audience, it’s necessary to grab the attention of viewers/listeners ● A message must be interesting and/or entertaining while involving the audience

6 Internet - Social Media ● Most modern media and arguably the most popular ● 24/7 control ● Always a name next to a message ● Freedom to openly express

7 Tips for Writing on Social Media 1.Define your audience 2.Be prepared to change your style 3.Find the people stories 4.Have a clear call to action 5.Show your personality 6.Sell your story in different ways

8 Don’ts of Social Media Pitches ● Don’t ask reporter to DM you ● Leave Facebook for friends, not pitches. ● Don’t follow up more than once. ● Don’t be that guy. ● Leave personal emails and numbers alone.

9 Networking Tips to Improve Media Relations 1.The goal is to help other people 2.Understand their needs before telling them about yours 3.You don’t need to know the most people, just the right people 4.Don’t expect anything 5.Don’t leave it to chance 6.Go beyond your industry

10 Networking Tips Cont. 7. Start by offering praise, not requesting help 8. Keep emails short 9. Try to provide as much value as possible 10. Nurture your established network 11. Don’t take “no” personally 12. Make a point to follow upMake a point to follow up

11 Working with Reporters ● Know who the reporter is and do research on their publication ● Find out the best ways and times to contact a reporter for a specific publication ● Develop a "fast fact" sheet to make your pitch to reporters ● Offer to help reporters/give them what they need as much as possible

12 Working with Reporters ● Make sure you’re talking to the right person ● Ask about what info they have, deadlines, etc ● Give follow up fact sheets with correct information for them

13 Results of Media Relations ● Raise awareness ● Product Placement Product Placement ● Funding Funding ● Audio/Video news releases ● PSAs ● Talk shows

14 “It is always a risk to speak to the press: They are likely to report what you say.” —Hubert H. Humphrey

15 References ●Fox, Z. (2013, September 16). The Dos and Don'ts of Pitching Journalists on Social Media. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from ●Wadsworth, T. (2005, April 1). ASAE ® The Center for Association Leadership. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from ●Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Media Relations Skills. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2015, from ●Radio and Television Media. (n.d.) Retrieved February 23, 2015, from television-media/ television-media/ ●Halberstadt, A. (2014, July 8). 12 networking tips to improve media relations. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from

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