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1 EPA’s Project Plan for Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Region 2 Science Day Workshop October 25, 2005 Daniel Axelrad U.S. EPA Office of Policy, Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EPA’s Project Plan for Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Region 2 Science Day Workshop October 25, 2005 Daniel Axelrad U.S. EPA Office of Policy, Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EPA’s Project Plan for Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Region 2 Science Day Workshop October 25, 2005 Daniel Axelrad U.S. EPA Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation

2 2 Uses of PBDEs zPentaBDE yFoam in furniture, mattresses, automobile seats yPrior to U.S. phaseout: 8,000 tons/year worldwide; 95% used in the U.S. zOctaBDE yPlastics in electronics yPrior to U.S. phaseout: 4,000 tons/year worldwide; 40% used in U.S. zDecaBDE yPlastics in electronics, wire/cable insulation, textiles y62,000 tons/year worldwide; 44% used in U.S. (industry data for 2001)

3 3 PBDEs Status - U.S. zU.S. production of pentaBDE/octaBDE phased out yTSCA Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) – will require premanufacture notification to EPA zMany initiatives in states, such as: yCalifornia 2006 ban on products with penta/octa yNew York, Maine and Hawaii have adopted laws similar to California’s, and other states are considering similar actions zCPSC flammability standards for residential upholstered furniture - potential to increase demand for decaBDE and other flame retardants yEPA intends to propose a TSCA SNUR – prior notification to EPA of flame retardants for use in residential upholstered furniture

4 4 Activities of Other Federal Agencies zNTP: Conducting toxicology studies of commercial pentaBDE and selected congeners zCDC: Measuring U.S. body burdens of PBDEs ySampling in 2003-04; data may be available in 2006 zNIST: Studying migration of PBDEs from plastics in electronics components zCPSC: furniture flammability standard zUSDA: Methods for measuring PBDEs in meats and poultry; research on PBDEs metabolism zFDA: Planning a program to measure PBDEs in food and feed

5 5 Developing EPA’s Project Plan for PBDEs zWorkgroup members from across the Agency zIdentifies current activities and next steps for PBDEs yWhat is being done in EPA’s programs yAdditional activities to be initiated yNot a detailed strategy zFocus on four objectives 1.Assess substitutes for pentaBDE/octaBDE 2.Assess and evaluate decaBDE 3.Assess risks of pentaBDE and octaBDE 4.Track other brominated flame retardants

6 6 Objective 1: Assess Substitutes for pentaBDE and octaBDE zBackground: Market is in transition; industry is choosing alternatives. What are the potential risks of substitutes? zKey Activities include: EPA’s Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership has conducted a screening level hazard/exposure assessment of pentaBDE substitutes. The Partnership will develop a process for identifying and developing data needed to assess potential risks of flame retardant chemicals used in furniture.

7 7 Objective 2: Assess and Evaluate Decabromodiphenyl Ether (decaBDE) zBackground: Use of decaBDE continues. Key issues include risk from decaBDE itself and its contribution to formation of lower-brominated breakdown products. zKey Activities include: yIRIS review of decaBDE toxicology – completion in 2006 yThrough the Voluntary Children’s Chemical Evaluation Program (VCCEP), EPA is seeking the development of data needed to address the environmental fate of decaBDE. yCPSC furniture flammability standard would potentially increase demand for decaBDE. EPA intends to will propose a TSCA SNUR that will enable EPA to review decaBDE (and other flame retardants) in this use before use begins.

8 8 Objective 3: Assess Risks of pentaBDE and octaBDE zBackground: Voluntary phaseout of US production of pentaBDE and octaBDE as of the end of 2004; stocks are stored in existing products. zKey Activities include: yEPA proposed a TSCA SNUR in Fall 2004, enabling EPA to receive advance notification of plans to manufacture or import pentaBDE or octaBDE. yEPA is conducting IRIS reviews for tetra-, penta-, and hexaBDE congeners - completion in 2006. yUnder VCCEP, EPA has identified 2-generation reproductive toxicity studies as data needs for pentaBDE and octaBDE.

9 9 Objective 4: Track Developments Concerning Other BFRs of Interest zBackground: PBDEs are not the only BFRs of potential interest. zKey Activities include: yEPA will review scientific developments on other brominated flame retardants, and will engage in further research, risk assessment and risk management as the need develops. yEPA will continue to scrutinize new flame retardants proposed for manufacture and import into the U.S. market and, where appropriate, will seek development of additional data on such chemicals by their manufacturers under TSCA Section 5 authorities.

10 10 Next Steps zComplete drafting and review of Project Plan zRelease plan on EPA web site – projected for December 2005 zImplement Key Activities identified in the plan

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