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POLITICAL PHILOSOPHERS. Jean-Jacques Rousseau  Wrote The Social Contract Theory in 1762  Men determine the way they are governed and should submit to.

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2 Jean-Jacques Rousseau  Wrote The Social Contract Theory in 1762  Men determine the way they are governed and should submit to the will of the majority  People are naturally good; but corrupted by government, schools, the arts, media, etc.

3 Thomas Hobbes  Wrote Leviathan in 1651  “…driven by a perpetual and restless desire for power…that only ceases in death”  The world is natural chaotic; therefore, the government should protect us. Under no circumstances do we have the right to rebel against the government. Mainly because we are too selfish to make our own decisions.  If we are not naturally in a state of war, why do we lock our doors and carry weapons?

4 John Locke  Wrote Two Treatises of Government in 1689  Government only works when the people consent to it  Basically he said every man has natural rights – rights they are born with – and it is the governments job to protect these  Life, Liberty, and Property* *We changed it to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

5 Montesquieu  Wrote The Spirit Laws in 1748  He advocated the three branches of government, separation of powers, and checks and balances  This approach could help prevent corruption in Government. Does it?

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