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Age of Reason Human reason Two phases Intellectual Political.

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2 Age of Reason Human reason Two phases Intellectual Political

3 7 Major thinkers Francis Bacon René Descartes Baruch Spinoza John Locke Isaac Newton Voltaire Rousseau

4 Francis Bacon Science can free people from ignorance “Knowledge is Power” Rational approach to science based on observation

5 Descartes French mathematician Reason and mathematics all one needs Clock analogy of Universe Principle of methodical doubt Scientific method developed by Descartes and bacon

6 Spinoza Political Treatises Advances his political views Naturalism All operate equally by the laws of nature Contract between rulers and subjects Only comply if its useful to the subjects

7 Locke The Two Treatise of Government Natural rights Life, health, liberty, and possessions Only legitimate government is one which people consent to Tacit Consent Separation of government and politics Separated powers of government

8 Newton Rationally understand the laws of nature and the universe Calculus Laws of Gravity Laws of Motion Reason and observation of the world Deism – Refutes revelation

9 Voltaire Francois Marie Arouet Personal freedoms such as freedom of speech Believed society needed different ideas Empirical science over and above religion Fearful of powerful aristocrats

10 Rousseau The Social Contract “People are born free, but are in chains everywhere” Disliked private property Communal sharing Social Revolution Experiential Learning

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