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Welcome! Today’s Webinar: Facts about PIKA Fax Irene Crosby Head of Marketing PIKA Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Today’s Webinar: Facts about PIKA Fax Irene Crosby Head of Marketing PIKA Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Today’s Webinar: Facts about PIKA Fax Irene Crosby Head of Marketing PIKA Technologies

2 Your Webinar Leader Eric Pretlac Technical Support Specialist Customer Care Department

3 Familiarization with MShow Audio streaming Sending us questions

4 Agenda Different types of fax applications –Occasional fax –Fax server Architectures of such applications Resource management tools –dspcalc563xx.xls –PikaSetup.exe PIKA’s fax features Overview of PK_FAX_* API functions Benchmarks

5 Fax on all PIKA cards The content of this webinar applies to all PIKA MM-series cards –InLine MM, Daytona MM, PrimeNet MM –Equipped with Motorola 56303 DSPs to support PIKA’s “All-on-Board” features including fax

6 Types of fax applications Occasional fax PC-PBX with fax Unified messaging system Fax on demand Fax server Fax broadcasting Email / fax gateway

7 Example: PC-PBX with 2 fax ports


9 Example: Fax on demand Call in and request a fax of a real estate listing

10 Occasional fax Few fax ports supporting many trunks Resource pooling / management Uses advanced tone detection (ATD) to conserve DSP processing power No additional DSPs required

11 Fax server Fax broadcasting Always fax on all ports Additional DSPs are usually required for high density applications Rule of thumb: –Rx 4 fax channels per DSP (Rx/Tx) –Tx 6 fax channels per DSP

12 Fax server example Financial institution must fax time- sensitive information to subscribers 9:00 am broadcast fax on 10,000 channels –“Stock Tip of the Day” before markets open 10:00 am broadcast audio on 9,000 channels –Quarterly earnings report

13 Fax broadcasting time- sensitive info to subscribers

14 Resource management Occasional fax –Few DSP resources required Fax server –Many DSP resources required –Add V-Engines if necessary dspcalc563xx.xls PikaSetup.exe

15 Resource estimation: Occasional PC-PBX with fax capabilities 24 trunks to PSTN with IVR, auto attendant capabilities, voicemail, etc. Want to add fax capability on all trunks, any 2 simultaneous max. dspcalc563xx.xls shows we can add 2 channels of fax Tx and Rx No additional DSPs required

16 1 2 3




20 Timeslot assignment: Incorrect

21 Timeslot assignment: Correct

22 PikaSetup: Modem fax tones

23 Resource estimation: Server Fax server application dspcalc563xx.xls shows that we can transmit 6 channels of fax per DSP More DSPs required for high density applications

24 Resource estimation: Server 1 2 3




28 Fax server

29 PIKA: high density fax solution Fully loaded PrimeNet MM quad span 6 Tx channels x 22 DSPs = 132 Tx Maximum transmit density on market 4 Rx channels x 22 DSPs = 88 Rx 22 DSPs = 4 onboard DSPs + 3 VE-6 Compare to 92 / 96 / 120 –T1 ISDN / T1 RBS / E1 ISDN or CAS

30 PIKA’s fax features Supports ITU-T V.21, V.27ter, V.29 and V.17 modems for send and receive data rates up to 14.4 Kbps. ITU-T T.30 ECM (error correction mode) Automatic detection of incoming calls Header and footers added by senders and receivers

31 PIKA’s fax features (cont’d) Subscriber ID T.4 and T.6 formats including: –Metric- and inch-based page sizes –All resolutions including 100x100, 200x200, 300x300 and 400x400 –MH, MR and MMR encoding TIFF-F format

32 MonteCarlo API reference

33 MonteCarlo fax API

34 PIKA’s fax APIs PK_FAX_AddDocument PK_FAX_ClearDocuments PK_FAX_GetStatus PK_FAX_RxStart PK_FAX_SetPageHeaderAndFooter PK_FAX_Stop PK_FAX_TxStart

35 PK_FAX_AddDocument Syntax PK_STATUS PK_FAX_AddDocument ( IN TResourceHandle hPort, IN PK_INT TxOrRxDocument, IN PK_CHAR *Filename, IN TFaxDocumentParameters *Parameters );

36 Parameters for PK_FAX_AddDocument hPort:Valid DSP port handle from PK_DSP_DEVICE_GetPortHandle or PK_DSP_DEVICE_SeizePort TxOrRxDocument:Indicates if the document has to be queued for sending or receiving. Valid values include: PK_FAX_TX_DOCUMENT, PK_FAX_RX_DOCUMENT FileName:Pointer to the path and filename of an existing file to send or a file to create when receiving. Parameters:Pointer to a TFaxDocumentParameters structure. Default values are: PK_FAX_RESOLUTION_HIGH, PK_FAX_ENCODING_MMR, PK_FAX_WIDTH_A4 | PK_FAX_WIDTH_B4 | PK_FAX_WIDTH_

37 Concept: Document queue Fax on demand for real estate listings

38 PK_FAX_TxStart Syntax PK_STATUS PK_FAX_TxStart ( IN TResourceHandle hPort, IN TFaxTxParameters *Parameters );

39 Parameters for PK_FAX_TxStart hPort:Valid DSP port handle from PK_DSP_DEVICE_GetPortHandle or PK_DSP_DEVICE_SeizePort Parameters:Pointer to a TFAXTxParameters structure. Defaults values: minimumRate PK_FAX_RATE_2400 modemType PK_FAX_MODEM_V27 | PK_FAX_MODEM_V29 | PK_FAX_MODEM_V33 | PK_FAX_MODEM_V17 encoding PK_FAX_ENCODING_MMR resolution PK_FAX_RESOLUTION_HIGH pageWidth PK_FAX_WIDTH_A3 IDRequired PK_FALSE ECMEnabledPK_TRUE printHeaderAndFooter PK_FALSE timeout 40000ms SID “” (empty string)

40 PK_FAX_RxStart Syntax PK_STATUS PK_FAX_RxStart ( IN TResourceHandle hPort, IN TFaxRxParameters *Parameters );

41 Parameters for PK_FAX_RxStart hPort:Valid DSP port handle from PK_DSP_DEVICE_GetPortHandle or PK_DSP_DEVICE_SeizePort Parameters:Pointer to a TFAXRxParameters structure. Defaults values: minimumRate PK_FAX_RATE_2400 modemType PK_FAX_MODEM_V27 | PK_FAX_MODEM_V29 | PK_FAX_MODEM_V33 | PK_FAX_MODEM_V17 encoding PK_FAX_ENCODING_MMR resolution PK_FAX_RESOLUTION_HIGH pageWidth PK_FAX_WIDTH_A3 IDRequired PK_FALSE ECMEnabledPK_TRUE printHeaderAndFooter PK_FALSE timeout 40000ms SID “” (empty string)

42 Benchmarks Load testing –440 chs continuous back-to-back Tx/Rx –Millions of fax transactions Conformance testing –Real-world fax modem compatibility Based on Commetrex fax technology

43 PikaTest tutorial “how to fax” PikaTest.exe utility in MonteCarlo 6.2 has a tutorial on how to receive a fax At command line type: ? how to fax

44 Thank You If you are interested in taking a closer look download our API Reference manual: – Additional HW info is available from: – htm htm If you want to speak the sales account manager in your region or a field application engineer, the next slide has their phone numbers…

45 How to reach our people Sales –Western USA – Brett Sumpter phone: +1-903-939-3711 –Eastern USA – Cheryl Farmer phone: +1-770-345-5944 –EMEA – Maarten Kronenburg phone: +31 76 5083 560 –Canada & Americas – Terry Atwood phone: +1-613-591-1555 x329 Field Application Engineers –Cindy Xu at +1-613-591-1555 x458 –Yashar Moghan at +1-613-591-1555 x415 Technical Support –

46 Thank you for your time.

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