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National Honor Society Character, Scholarship, Leadership, Service Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. But.

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Presentation on theme: "National Honor Society Character, Scholarship, Leadership, Service Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. But."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Honor Society Character, Scholarship, Leadership, Service Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy. ~Mahatma Gandhi~

2 Our Bylaws and Appendices  Good Standing=not on probation 1.Meetings 2.Service 3. Leadership 4. Dues

3 Meetings  Members will only be allowed to miss 3 meetings/year -additional absences=2 additional service points by semester deadline  If you must miss a mandatory meeting, you must have it excused by Mrs. Cobb or Mr. Henry -unexcused absence= 2 additional service points by semester deadline

4 Service  15 points must be earned by semester deadline, 30 by year deadline -extra points earned 1 st semester will be carried over to 2 nd semester. Points do not carry over on a year to year basis.  If service had not already been preapproved, it must be approved by Nora 72 hours in advance  Submit your points periodically rather than waiting for the date they are all due  Submit points to Mrs. Cobb or Mr. Henry’s room

5 Leadership  Members must earn 1 leadership point by the year deadline  Points may be earned by  Attending a NHS Leadership Seminar  Heading a year long committee or club  Etc.  If you are running for office the following year, you must obtain two leadership points  Submit approval email regarding your leadership point to Grace ahead of time to ensure its legitimacy…it would be a shame to be counting on a point that doesn’t actually count.

6 DUES -$15 plus an additional $10 for your NHS t-shirt -Dues will be due on Friday, October 12 th -if dues are late, you will be required to earn 1 additional service point by the regular point deadline

7 Probation  Good Standing= not on probation **Seniors who are not in good standing at the end of the year will not be able to wear the NHS collar at graduation

8 Ways to be on Probation  GPA falls under 4.0  Do hood rat stuff (excessive tardies, D-halls, Saturday classes, or breaking the law)  CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER (Lion King, anyone?)  Not earning required leadership or service points - member must make up the remainder in addition to current required points by the next semester’s deadline  Missing too many meetings

9 If you’ve made the naughty list..  A letter will be send home warning you that your membership is in jeopardy  Those of you who are on probation from the Spring 2012 Semester will be receiving a letter from us a.s.a.p.  It must be signed by you and a parent

10 How to get points  Check the Website  Random service opportunities we tell you about  HAAM  Society of St. Stephens  Sign Painting  NHS Tutoring- come with your brain, and we’ll put you to work

11 Commitees  Recycling  Campus Beautification  Tutoring  Senior Citizen Work  Publicity  Special Events

12 Next General Meeting Wed, Oct 10th  Find out what this year’s projects will consist of  Yayayay!

13 Last Minute Reminders  We really need you to email your alpha officers if you haven't already  You can now drop off point sheets to Mr. Henry’s room as well as Mrs. Cobb’s  The points sheets should NOT be turned in only once a Semester---consider turning them in ½ way thru and then at the deadline.

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