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Testing the Efficiency of Agriculture Commodities Market in India Prof Sanjay Sehgal Abhishek Singh.

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1 Testing the Efficiency of Agriculture Commodities Market in India Prof Sanjay Sehgal Abhishek Singh

2 Place of agriculture. Place of agriculture. Agriculture contributes about 22% to the GDP of the Indian economy. It employees around 57% of the labor force on a total of 163 million hectares of land.

3 Institutional development, which improves the liquidity and efficiency of commodity markets, would impact upon a large fraction of India’s population. It imposes considerable direct costs upon the government, and has led to a suboptimal resource allocation. It imposes considerable direct costs upon the government, and has led to a suboptimal resource allocation.

4 Tetable Hypothesis 1) The introduction of commodity future has increased spot market efficiency 2) Future prices are determined on the basis of cost of carry model

5 DATA SOURCE Spot Prices :NCDEX Forward Prices :NCDEX Transportation cost: Warehousing Cost :CWC,SWC

6 Random walk test Serial correlation coefficient test Runs test Methodology

7 Forward pricing with transportation cost F = (S 0 +U) e rT F = S 0 e (r+u)T Forward pricing with convenience Yield F = S 0 e (r+u-y)T Cost-of-carry Model Futures price = Spot Price + Carry Cost

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