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Mr. Briggs’s Class Room B3 Tuesday, August 10, 2010.

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1 Mr. Briggs’s Class Room B3 Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 Check the seating chart on the wall.  What row are you in?  What seat are you in?

3  Review and understand the course syllabus.  Demonstrate an understanding of Anglo-Saxon History and how it has shaped modern English language.  Standard: Literary Response and Analysis 3.2 - Analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on life, using textual evidence to support the claim.

4  Read pages 10-17 in textbook. Be prepared to discuss/comment on reading and lectures.  Review all lecture notes and textbook / IR readings. You will be having a quiz tomorrow.  I.R. assignment (pages 3-10) – will also be discussed and graded tomorrow  Be prepared... Quiz on Wednesday (8/11) on Anglo-Saxon Period: pages 1-17 (textbook) and pages 1-10 (IR). You’ll also need to know information from lectures.  Please keep up with your assignments! Don’t fall behind. Homework for Tuesday, 8-10-10

5 1. legacy (6): something handed down from the past 2. unifying (8): bring together, uniting 3. dominate (9): most influential 4. morality (11): system of ideas of right and wrong conduct 5. loyalty (13): feeling of attachment or affection 6. consensus (13): agreement among people in a discussion Review Vocabulary

6  This course focuses on the history of the English language from the Anglo-Saxon through modern Periods.  Approximately 449-present  History and language are connected 1. What did America inherit from Britain in terms of law, political system, and language? 2. What influence did Christianity have on Britain? 3. What was the heroic ideal of Anglo-Saxon Britain?

7  Pages 4-5 (textbook) 1. Roman Occupation (55 B.C. – A.D. 409) 2. Anglo-Saxon Invasion (A.D. 449) 3. Spread of Christianity (A.D. 400 – 699) 4. Norman Invasion (1066) What’s B.C. and A.D.? - A.D. Anno Domini The year of Our Lord - B.C. Before Christ - A.D.=C.E. (Common Era) - B.C.=B.C.E. (Before Common Era

8  The Roman Empire occupied most of Europe, Asia, Middle East, and North Africa.  The Romans believed that they fought in only just wars. Anglo-Saxon Invasion (449 A.D.) Britain invaded several times: Iberians, Celts, Romans, Anglos and Saxons, the Vikings, and The Normans.

9  Began in the Roman occupation of Britain through monks and missionaries.  Early Christianity coexisted with Anglo-Saxon pagan religions. (Pagans: 4 elements – fire, water, earth, air)  Monk named Augustine converted Anglo-Saxon King named Ethelbert in 597 A.D. Thousands were converted to Christianity.

10  William the Conqueror crossed the English Channel in 1066 A.D. He was from Normandy (France today).  Referred to as the Norman Conquest. He defeated the Anglo- Saxons, a pivotal point in world history.  Battle of Hastings - clip

11  What did America inherit from Britain in terms of law, political system, and language? The Spirit of the Celts  Physical appearance?  Religion and the Druids New Information on Stonehenge – video clip

12  What are the differences between Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Myths? The Legend of King Arthur – Video Clip

13  How did the Roman’s organization help to defeat the Celts?  Why did the Romans leave Britain?  Life after the Romans – video clip

14  Four Tribes traveled across the English Channel. They were the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and the Frisians.  Anglo-Saxons arrived as the Romans were leaving the Island of Britain.  Video Clip – Anglo Saxon Invasions  Video Clip – Anglo-Saxon Community

15  Read pages 10-17 in textbook. Be prepared to discuss/comment on reading and lectures.  Review all lecture notes and textbook / IR readings. You will be having a quiz tomorrow.  I.R. assignment (pages 3-10) – will also be discussed and graded tomorrow  Be prepared... Quiz on Wednesday (8/11) on Anglo-Saxon Period: pages 1-17 (textbook) and pages 1-10 (IR). You’ll also need to know information from lectures.  Please keep up with your assignments! Don’t fall behind.

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