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What do you do when your assessment data are in? Using Assessment Data to Improve Learning 1.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you do when your assessment data are in? Using Assessment Data to Improve Learning 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you do when your assessment data are in? Using Assessment Data to Improve Learning 1

2  Assessment Oversight Committee (6)  Goals/Objectives/Rubrics – Authors (56)  Direct Assessment in Classes (52)  Close the Loop – Evaluation, Report, Recommendations for Improvement (36)  Implementation for Improvement (22)  FCBE Administration (6) ◦ Total Faculty Participation: 178

3 Step 1: Identify Program Goals Step 3: Select Assessment Methods Step 4: Implement: Data Collection Step 5: Close the Loop Analyze the Data: Step 6: Close the Loop Report Findings Step 7: Close the Loop Implement Improvement Step 8: Revise the Assessment Plan and Continue the Loop Cycle of Assessment Step 2: Specify Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives)


5  Where assessment and evaluation come together… ◦ Assessment:  Gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about student learning ◦ Evaluation  Using assessment findings to improve institutions, divisions, and departments.5

6 ◦ To be meaningful, assessment results must be studied, interpreted, and used ◦ Using the results is called “closing the loop” ◦ Conduct outcomes assessment because the findings can be used to improve our programs 6



9  Objective met, no action needed  Revise a goal and/or objective for better focus  A minor or major curriculum change needed  Increase admission requirements, remediation avenues for students, adding prerequisites, increasing or changing specific assignments in existing courses  Provide support structures such as tutoring or student help sessions  Recommend how to implement the action.9

10  BBA – 20  BBA ACCT – 11  IMBA – 5  MBA – 6  MS ACCT – 15 ◦ Total Recommendations: 57

11  Strengthen the 4 Cs initiatives to improve critical thinking in project management, problem formulation, problem analysis and resolution by designating a course with sole responsibility for assuring that activities are provided to meet this initiative.  Moving MIS 2755 to the upper level will facilitate this integrative process and improve the entire curriculum.  Examine ways to improve instruction relating to student use of computer software tools to organize data for statistical analysis and decision making in order to solve business related problems.

12  Increase emphasis and reinforcement that is placed on oral communications in the business curriculum.  Business majors should be required to complete COMM 2381 as part of the lower core which should then be coordinated with instructional activities in MGMT 3510—taken as early as possible, but not later than during the junior year.  Develop a standard syllabus for MGMT 3510 sections to assure consistency and standards across sections.

13  Implement Recommended Improvements (Fall and Early Spring 2010)  Complete Assessment Loop – MSBA, MA ECON, and EMBA (End of Spring 2010)  Improvement Reports Completed – Faculty with Designated Responsibilities (Fall or Early Spring 2010)  Start Loop Again – BBA and MBA (Spring 2011)  Identify measures used for assessment (Spring 2010 and Fall 2011)  Faculty support will be critical (Forever)


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