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Welcome to “Back to School Night” Please sign in Communications classes pick up a syllabus at the front table 1 st hour-Pick up Surveys English classes.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to “Back to School Night” Please sign in Communications classes pick up a syllabus at the front table 1 st hour-Pick up Surveys English classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to “Back to School Night” Please sign in Communications classes pick up a syllabus at the front table 1 st hour-Pick up Surveys English classes pick up syllabus and permission slip

2 Communications classes "Back to School Night” with Mrs. Kelly CW: Stands for Class work-What we will be doing tonight. Pick up Syllabus/point out contact information, Web Back Pack, and Plan Time Introduction to Mrs. Kelly Show web back pack website Grade book explanation Make sure you signed in before you leave Look around at the Interviews for Communications 1 st & 2 nd HW: Let Mrs. Kelly know if you would like a Thursday progress reports sent through email or printed every week.

3 English classes “Back to School Night” with Mrs. Kelly CW: Stands for Class work-What we will be doing tonight. Pick up Syllabus/point out contact information, Web Back Pack, and Plan Time Introduction to Mrs. Kelly web back pack website Grade book explanation A Christmas Carol field trip permission slip due 11/1-sack lunch will be needed for this. 5 th & 8 th hour-Cooperative teacher Lynda Mechels contact information: plan time: 3 rd hour & email: Make sure you signed in before you leave Look around at the Acrostics for English Hours 4 th, 5 th, 6 th, & 8 th HW: Let Mrs. Kelly know if you would like a Thursday progress reports sent through email or printed every week.

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