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The American War for Independence (1776-1783) “These are the times that try men’s souls” -Thomas Paine, 1780.

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Presentation on theme: "The American War for Independence (1776-1783) “These are the times that try men’s souls” -Thomas Paine, 1780."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American War for Independence (1776-1783) “These are the times that try men’s souls” -Thomas Paine, 1780

2 War : European Tactics (1700s)  Great Britain -“rules” of “gentlemanly” warfare  No attacking at night,  No sneak attacks  Mercenaries were common  Soldiers lowly regarded in British society British “Redcoats”

3 War: American Tactics (1700s)  Colonial warfare based on style of Natives  “Skulking” style of war included sneak attacks, adjustments  Hid behind walls, no uniforms, ambushed enemies  Local militias American militia

4 Colonial Soldier British “Redcoat”

5 Continental Army  Created by George Washington  Fought alongside various state militias  Provided Washington with better idea of soldiers’ capabilities and length of service (1 year)  Washington’s greatest accomplishment of the war Infantry training

6 Leaders of the Revolution 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 R evolutionary L eaders 1- George Washington- leader of Continental Army 2- William Howe- head of British army in 1776 3- John Burgoyne- defeated at Saratoga 4- Lord Cornwallis- surrendered British army at Yorktown 5- Benedict Arnold- switched from American to British after Saratoga 6- Nathaneal Greene- RI native, Washington’s top field general

8 Opening Moves !  British to seize NY  1776: Howe’s troops drive Washington out of NY  Washington and troops again driven from Manhattan to White Plains  NY becomes the British headquarters for the war!!

9 Opening Moves Cont…  British begin to move onto Philly where the Continental Congress was meeting!  Washington’s troops get word of this… THREE BATTLES>>>>> 1. Battle of TRENTON 2. Saratoga 3. Yorktown

10 1. Battle of Trenton  December, 1776: Washington plans surprise attack of Hessian camp at Trenton, NJ.  December 25: Washington attacks on Christmas night, kills/captures 1,000 men  3 days later: defeat of British at Princeton, NJ forces British to return to NY for winter

11 Results of Battle of Trenton  Soldiers encouraged to re-enlist  Morale of army shot up  Washington showcased leadership skills  2 nd Guessing: Why did Howe not deal “knock- out” blow in NY? Washington crossing the Delaware River on his way to Trenton

12 2. Saratoga: France Enters  1777- British capture Philadelphia, Continental Congress escapes  Valley Forge- winter of 1777- 78: nearly 2,500 American soldiers die from cold, food shortages  October 1777- Gen. Burgoyne’s troops captured outside Saratoga, NY  Result: France enters war Marquis de Lafayette

13 3. Yorktown, 1781: War in the South  1778- British turn to South  Savannah, GA and Charlestown, SC fell to British  Battle of Kings Mountain- victory for Patriots!!!  British surrender at Yorktown (1781) Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, VA

14 Other Contributors to Revolution  Women- cooking, nursing of soldiers, taking control of family business, spies  African-Americans- British/Americans offered freedom in exchange for military service (5,000 for America)  Loyalists- remained loyal to Britain, in some cases fled or lost land “Molly Pitcher” helping colonial soldiers

15 Why did Britain lose the war???  Atlantic Ocean  Tried to occupy a whole continent  American perseverance, fighting spirit  George Washington, other generals  French aid  War unpopular in Britain HMMMM…

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