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RECYCLING Creshelle Smith 4 th Grade The Recycling Game Chose the right answer for each question You are not allowed to move on until you have selected.

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2 RECYCLING Creshelle Smith 4 th Grade

3 The Recycling Game Chose the right answer for each question You are not allowed to move on until you have selected the correct answer. REMEMBER to click on Reggie Recycle to move to the next question! HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK! Click on Reggie Recycle to Begin

4 Who designed the Recycling symbol that contained the 3 arrows? a.President Richard NixonPresident Richard Nixon b.TV Host Oprah WinfreyTV Host Oprah Winfrey c.College Student Gary AndersonCollege Student Gary Anderson d.Actor Johnny DeppActor Johnny Depp

5 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

6 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

7 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

8 YOU’RE RIGHT! Gary Dean Anderson(left), who was a student at the University of Southern California, created the symbol in 1970. Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

9 Which of the following materials can NOT be recycled? a.Plastic Water BottlePlastic Water Bottle b.Plastic Bottle TopsPlastic Bottle Tops c.Notebook PaperNotebook Paper

10 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

11 You’re Right! Plastic bottle caps can NOT be recycled because they require more heat to be melted. Be sure to remove all the caps from your plastic bottles before you recycle them! Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

12 Can glass bottles be recycled? YES NO

13 YOU’RE RIGHT! Yes! Glass from bottles and jars never wears out and can be recycled over and over again. It takes about 30 days for a glass bottle to be recycled into a new one. Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

14 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

15 What can recycled newspapers be recycled into? a.Egg cartonsEgg cartons b.New newspaperNew newspaper c.BothBoth

16 YOU’RE RIGHT! You're right--It's both! Newspapers are most often recycled into new newspaper, and can be back in circulation in four weeks. Newspapers are also recycled into egg cartons and other materials. In fact, egg cartons are made from recycled newspapers in Moorhead Minnesota. Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

17 ALMOST but Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

18 Does making recycled paper use more or less energy than making new paper? a.MOREMORE b.LESSLESS

19 YOU’RE RIGHT! Yes! The answer is less. Making recycled paper uses almost 70% less energy than it takes to make new paper Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

20 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

21 How many pounds of garbage does the average person in La Crosse throw away each day? a.FourFour b.FiveFive c.SixSix d.SevenSeven

22 YOU’RE RIGHT! You're right—the average person in La Crosse throws away about seven pounds each day. That's a lot, so we all should try to recycle more and use less stuff that will just end up in the garbage! Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

23 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

24 Recycling one pop can saves enough energy to power a TV for how many hours? a.ONE HOURONE HOUR b.TWO HOURSTWO HOURS c.THREE HOURSTHREE HOURS d.FOUR HOURSFOUR HOURS

25 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

26 YOU’RE RIGHT! Recycling one pop can saves enough energy to power a TV for three full hours! Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

27 Cereal boxes, toothpaste boxes and shoe boxes can NOT be recycled. a.TRUETRUE b.FALSEFALSE

28 YOU’RE RIGHT! You’re Right! They can be recycled. If the product is stored in the cupboard, the box can be recycled. If the product goes in the fridge, freezer or microwave, the box should be placed in the garbage. Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

29 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

30 Old homework papers can be recycled. a.TRUETRUE b.FALSEFALSE

31 YOU’RE RIGHT! Right! School handouts, construction paper, art projects made from paper, tablets (remove spines), old office papers, newspapers, even shredded paper can be recycled curbside Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

32 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

33 Recycling does NOT help or benefit the environment. a.TRUETRUE b.FALSEFALSE

34 Try Again! Click on the face to try again!

35 YOU’RE RIGHT! It does benefit our environment! Making new things from recycled ones takes less energy and less of the Earth's resources. Because less energy is used, factories don't release as much pollution either. Aluminum and steel cans, cardboard, glass bottles, paper and newspapers and plastic bottles and jugs are all recyclable. These items can be made into new products including the steel used to build skyscrapers and school buses, new cardboard boxes, playground equipment and much more! Click on Reggie Recycle to continue!

36 YOU DID IT!!!

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