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Introduction Laboratory testing – integral part of patient care

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1 Introduction Laboratory testing – integral part of patient care
Medical assistant must know Common laboratory equipment Safety in the laboratory Steps to prevent accidents CLIA ’88 – impact on laboratory setting Quality assurance Quality control procedures Required record-keeping

2 Role of Laboratory Testing in Patient Care
Analysis of blood, urine, and other body fluids Regular monitoring to identify diseases or other problems Confirm initial diagnosis Determine and monitor dosage of a medication

3 Role of Laboratory Testing (cont.)
POL Quicker turnaround Eliminates need for patient travel to other test location Kinds of laboratories Reference laboratory Owned and operated by an organization outside the practice Have technological resources beyond the POL Some managed care companies require their subscribers to use a specific reference laboratory.

4 Role of Laboratory Testing (cont.)
Purpose of POL Accurate and timely processing of routine tests Reporting test results to physician Tests Chemical analysis Hematologic tests Microbiologic tests Urinalysis

5 Super! Apply Your Knowledge
Compare a reference laboratory and the POL. ANSWER: A reference laboratory is lab facility usually run by an organization separate from the practice. It has technologies beyond the POL. Patients have to travel to this facility. A POL provides quicker turnaround on results but is limited in the testing that can be performed. Patients are able to have testing done during an appointment without leaving the office. Super!

6 Medical Assistant’s Role
Processing tests done in POL Preparing the patient Collecting the sample Completing the test Reporting the results Communicating information about the test

7 Medical Assistant’s Role (cont.)
Record-keeping Inventory and order equipment and supplies Use reference materials Screen and follow-up results Additional responsibilities Understand regulations Accident prevention Waste disposal Housekeeping and maintenance Quality assurance and control

8 Apply Your Knowledge Very Good!
What are the duties of a medical assistant related to testing done in the POL? ANSWER: The medical assistant duties may include preparing the patient, collecting the sample, running the test, reporting the results, and, once the physician has reviewed the results, communicating the results to the patient. Very Good!

9 Use of Laboratory Equipment
You may routinely use the following: Autoclave Centrifuge Microscope Electronic equipment Equipment used for measurement

10 Use of Laboratory Equipment (cont.)
Autoclave - sterilizes surfaces of instruments and equipment Centrifuge – spins and separates specimen into its component parts

11 Use of Laboratory Equipment (cont.)
Optical microscope Uses light, concentrated through a condenser and focused through the object, to project an image Compound microscope – two lenses magnify the image created by condensed light

12 Use of Laboratory Equipment: Microscope
Oculars Eyepieces Monocular Binocular Contain a magnifying lens – magnify image 10 times (10X lens) Objectives Contain another magnifying lens Moved under ocular when needed Three objectives Two dry One oil-immersion Microscope

13 Use of Laboratory Equipment: Microscope (cont.)
Arm and focus controls Arm – attaches oculars and objectives to body Focus controls – used to focus the object Light source Under stage and substage Adjustable intensity Stage and substage Stage – platform for slide Substage – condenser Specimen slides / coverslip Microscope

14 Parts of the Microscope
5. Eyepieces 6. Nosepiece 7. Objectives 1. Arm 8. Slide Clips 9. Stage 10. Condenser 11. Iris 2. Fine Adjustment 3. Coarse Adjustment 12. Light Source 4. Base Back

15 Use of Laboratory Equipment (cont.)
Using an optical microscope Operate correctly Care and maintenance Clean after each use Store under plastic cover Move by holding arm and supporting the base

16 Use of Laboratory Equipment (cont.)
Electronic equipment and software Used to create and maintain clinical data More accurate, safer, and more efficient than manual methods Photometer – measures light intensity Equipment used for measurement Pipettes Flasks or beakers Hemocytometer Thermometers

17 Nice Job! Apply Your Knowledge Matching:
___ Measures light intensity A. Focus controls ___ Platform for slide B. Hemocytometer ___ Contains magnifying lens C. Stage ___ One is an oil-immersion D. Photometer ___ Condenser to concentrate light E. Ocular ___ Move body tube up and down F. Substage ___ Calibrated to count cells G. Objective ANSWER: D C E G Nice Job! F A B

18 Safety in the Laboratory
Primary concern OSHA Protection of employees in the workplace Specific guidelines General duty clause If no specific guidelines Workplace free from recognized hazards Enforces guidelines from CDC

19 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
OSHA guidelines Standard Precautions Hazard communication standards OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Final Rule Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act

20 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
Standard Precautions Assume that all blood, blood products, human tissue, and body fluids are contaminated PPE guidelines Gloves Eye protection Use equipment appropriately Proper biohazard disposal

21 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
Hazard communication Biohazard labels Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Hazard labels Name of material Hazardous effects

22 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
OSHA Blood-borne Pathogens Standard Written OSHA Exposure Control Plan Training Bloodborne pathogens PPE Universal Precautions Prevention of exposure Hepatitis B vaccination

23 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
Hazardous waste Dispose in proper containers Sharps Other biohazardous waste Location of containers Reduce spillage Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act Revision of Bloodborne Pathogen Standard Use of devices to reduce risk

24 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
Accident prevention guidelines Physical safety Common sense PPE Manufacturers’ guidelines Fire and electrical safety Fire drills Fire extinguishers Reduce electrical hazards

25 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
Chemical safety MSDS PPE Biologic safety Standard Precautions Disinfection Waste disposal Accident reporting Office procedures Ensure safety / first aid Clean up

26 Safety in the Laboratory (cont.)
Housekeeping Reduce risk of disease transmission Guidelines Written policies and procedures Clean up spills / splashes immediately Clean equipment after use Dispose of waste correctly

27 Apply Your Knowledge What information must be included on the MSDS? E
X C L N T ! ANSWER: MSDS must include: Name of the product Chemical and common name of ingredients Chemical characteristics of the products Physical hazards Health hazards Guidelines for safe handling Emergency and first-aid procedures for exposure

28 Quality Assurance Programs
Monitor the quality of patient care Ensure safety of workers Assess the quality of tests performed CLIA Regulation of laboratories Test categories Certificate of Waiver Moderate complexity High complexity

29 QA Programs: Certificate of Waiver Tests
Pose insignificant risk to the patient if they are performed or interpreted incorrectly Simple and accurate, so the risk of obtaining incorrect results is minimal Approved by the FDA for home use Office must apply for a Certificate of Waiver Exempt from CLIA ’88 standards May be randomly inspected

30 QA Programs (cont.) Moderate-complexity tests High-complexity tests
75% of tests Qualified laboratory personnel Random inspections High-complexity tests Tests for specialties and subspecialties Qualified laboratory personnel Random inspections

31 QA Programs (cont.) Components Quality control program
Adherence to procedures Careful documentation Instrument and equipment maintenance Proficiency testing Training and continuing education Standard operating procedures documentation

32 QA Programs: Quality Control and Maintenance
Ensure accuracy in test results by carefully monitoring test procedures Procedures Equipment calibration Use control samples Perform reagent controls Maintain equipment Documentation of above procedures

33 QA Programs: Quality Control and Maintenance (cont.)
Reference laboratory log Daily workload log Equipment maintenance Manufacturer’s guidelines Troubleshooting a problem – investigating the cause using a systematic approach Documentation Quality control log Reagent control log Equipment maintenance log

34 QA Programs: Proficiency Testing
Proficiency testing program Accuracy of test results Adherence to standard operating procedures Control sample, documentation sent to proficiency testing organization Pass – continue performing test Fail – discontinue performing tests

35 QA Programs (cont.) Training, continuing education, and documentation
Employer responsibility Reference material MSDS / safety manuals / SOPs Manufacturers’ user or reference guides Clinical Lab Technical Procedure Manuals Regulatory documentation (OSHA, CLIA ’88) Maintenance and housekeeping schedules

36 QA Programs (cont.) Requisition forms
Medical assistant’s responsibility Complete information Include with specimen or send with patient to laboratory

37 Apply Your Knowledge What is the purpose of a quality assurance program for a laboratory? ANSWER: The purpose of a QA program for a lab is to monitor the quality of patient care, ensure safety of workers, and assess the quality of tests performed. Quality Answer!

38 Communicating with the Patient
Before testing Patient preparation Verification of patient preparation During specimen collection Proper patient identification Verbal and nonverbal After specimen collection Post-procedure instructions Schedule for further testing, if needed

39 Communicating with the Patient (cont.)
Test results Report to physician for interpretation Report to patient, if instructed to by the physician Patient questions Answer if within your scope Refer to physician

40 Record-Keeping Quality control and equipment maintenance
Inventory control Record test results in patient records Tracking of specimens

41 Record-Keeping (cont.)
Patient records Identify unusual findings Follow office procedures Specimen identification Patient information Person who collected specimen Physician Patient: Jason Jones DOB: 10/22/0000 Date / time: 9:00 AM Collected by: shf Physician: M. Welby

42 Apply Your Knowledge Bravo!
Mr. Jones called for his laboratory results but the physician has not reviewed the results. What should the medical assistant do? ANSWER: The medical assistant should tell Mr. Jones that the physician has to review the results before releasing them to the patient. She should also tell Mr. Jones that she or the physician will call with the results once they are reviewed. When she reviews Mr. Jones’ laboratory results, she notes that his glucose is elevated. What should the medical assistant do? ANSWER: She should identify the test result that is out-of-range by circling or underlining it based on office policy.

43 While performing a test using a reagent test kit, you notice that the positive control yields a negative result. What action should you take?

44 What non-verbal communication techniques can you use when you are instructing patients during the specimen collection process?

45 In Summary Medical assistant and the POL
Maintain and improve technical skills Keep up on technological, legislative, and regulatory developments Prevent transmission of disease and occurrence of accidents Seek ways to improve quality of patient care Perform tests efficiently and accurately Maintain equipment properly

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