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Computer Aid Drafting in Mechanical Engineering Group 1 Phil Vanderwerker Rees Keck Amy Rose Kyle Whipple Jonathan Scarpa Anand Subramanian 14:650:388.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Aid Drafting in Mechanical Engineering Group 1 Phil Vanderwerker Rees Keck Amy Rose Kyle Whipple Jonathan Scarpa Anand Subramanian 14:650:388."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Aid Drafting in Mechanical Engineering Group 1 Phil Vanderwerker Rees Keck Amy Rose Kyle Whipple Jonathan Scarpa Anand Subramanian 14:650:388 Rutgers University School of Engineering

2 6 Cylinder Honda CBX Motorcycle Engine

3 Cylinder Head

4 Engine Block and Cylinders

5 Camshaft and Gears

6 Crankshaft

7 Piston and Connecting Rod

8 Valve, Valve Springs and Bucket

9 Casing Lower Crank Case Upper Crank Case Valve Cover

10 Timing Intake StrokeCompression Stroke Power StrokeExhaust Stroke

11 Gear Connections

12 Difficulties and Obstacles Problem: Many dimensions were immeasurable because of their location, i.e. valve guides, Solution: Dimensions had to be inferred based on function and location. Problem: Imperfections in machining meant that not all corresponding dimensions were equal. Solution: Dimensions had to be adjusted during assembly to facility function. Problem: Establishing a cam follower connection between the cams and the buckets. Solution: Rounding the surface of the bucket left for an easier 24 connections. Limitations of DSV lab computers made extensive cam/follower connections very difficult.

13 Difficulties and Obstacles (Cont’d) Not having the valve shims, it is very difficult in achieving the proper valve timing for the 4 stroke cycle.

14 Improvements and Modifications - This engine will be used for drag racing, therefore instead of straddling the engine, the rider lays on top, eliminating the need for angled intakes. This also increases air flow into the cylinder head. - Drag racing runs an engine hot for only a few seconds. Maximizing surface area to dissipate heat on the engine is no longer needed, though we still added minimal fins to act as heat sinks.

15 Drag Racing Videos

16 Firing Cycle Animation

17 Assembly Animation

18 References -4 Stroke Cycle. Vic High Mechanics Home Page. Grew, Mike. - Motorcycle Engine Parts. Ziggys Motorworks. - Honda CBX Drag Racing. Sproul, Mark. - Valve Timing Tutorial. Comp Cams. - Pro Engineer Forum: Mechanisms. MCAD Central.

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