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Published byAgatha Harvey Modified over 9 years ago
14-16 November 2013 A parallel corpus is a useful tool for linguistic research: a case study of English MUST and its Lithuanian correspondences Audronė Šolienė Vilnius University
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 OUTLINE Linguistic issue under analysis: –epistemic-evidential overlap (Palmer 2001, Pietrandrea 2005, Cornillie 2007, Mortelmans 2001, 2009) ParaCorp: –a parallel corpus can serve as a means to disclose the epi-evid overlap Results: –Epi-evid use of MUST and its LT translational correspondences Discussion and some conclusive remarks
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 EPISTEMIC MODALITY non-ep possibility epistemic propositional necessity non-ep MODALITY propositional modality used by speakers to express their judgments and attitudes towards the factual status of the proposition (Palmer 2001)
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 EVIDENTIALITY visual/auditory/other sensory direct evidence indirect evidence reported inferential observational & logical (Willet 1988: 65) EVIDENTIALITY the category the speaker uses to indicate what sources of information/kind of evidence s/he has to assert the truth of a proposition (Faller 2002, Pietrandrea 2005, Cornillie 2007)
Epistemic-evidential overlap Inferential evidentiality = epistemic necessity (van der Auwera & Plungian (1998: 86) 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Necessity …Deontic necessity Epistemic necessity = Inferential evidentiality Quotative evidentiality … Evidentiality Should we bind his wounds? He must be in pain.
MUST: two distinct prototypical cores Epistemic-inferential necessity It must be raining. felicitous when the speaker has inferred that it is raining, not when he has directly observed it ( Portner 2009:171) Non-epistemic (participant-external deontic) necessity Please... you must leave. 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
FOCUS (1) epistemic-inferential use of MUST and its LT correspondences in LT transl (EN orig LT transl) Hagrid must have forgotten to tell him something you had to do… Tikriausiai Hagridas jį pamiršo pamokyti, ką reikia dar padaryti … in LT orig (EN transl LT orig) …velnias, galva kaip medinė, atmerkęs akis pamato skersai stalo pamestas kelnes, matyt, jau labai gražus parėjo… hell, his head feels like wood, when he opens his eyes he sees his pants thrown across the table, he must have come home a pretty sight…. 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 FOCUS (2): Aux/adv Strategy EN vs. Slavonic Epistemic possibility in a Slavonic parallel corpus - a pilot study (van der Auwera, Schalley, Nuyts 2005) Translations of a Harry Potter book 10: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian Potential vs. use: difference in frq of aux/adv strategy use Areality issue: the phenomenon of the eastward decreasing frequencies of mod auxiliaries Difference in degree of grammaticalization
AIM Qualitative & quantitative parameters of translational correspondence Analysis of choice of adv/verb strategies in translation 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 METHOD & DATA corpus-based contrastive analysis parallel corpus ParaCorp LT E bidirectional (E>LT & LT>E) fiction (written) time span: 1980 – 2006 No of translators: EN LT: 15 (5 men; 10 women) LT EN: 29 (10 men; 19 women) The sub-corpora compiled: 1. The E-LT ParaCorp (873,511 words) 2. The LT-E ParaCorp (698,987 words)
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 ParaCorp LT E Sentence alignment –Aligner LYGIA (Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University) Prabudusi ji visada pirmiausia pamatydavo suplyšusias užuolaidas. The first thing Vacė ever saw when she awoke in the morning was the torn curtains. Jau sudūlėjusios nuo senumo, jos plyšdavo, vos prisilietus. Yellowed with age, they'd tear from the slightest touch. ParaConc tool (Barlow 1995) –Excel spreadsheet –Multidirectional search but not automatic
Ep/Non-ep MUST in E orig 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 n= 265
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Correspondences of Ep must in LT transl : adv/verb strategy EN orig : This must all sound so silly to you. (aux) LT transl : Tau turbūt tai atrodo baisiai kvaila. (adv) tikriausiai ‘most probably’, matyt ‘seemingly’, turbūt ‘probably’ 42 %
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Correspondences of Ep must in LT transl ParaCorpE LT% words/ particles (ADV) tikriausiai ‘most probably’2 matyt ‘seemingly/evidently’18 turbūt ‘probably’, greičiausiai, veikiausiai ‘most probably’etc.1 verbsturėti ‘must/have to’22 Ø LT2525
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Illustration of correspondences E - original LT - translation It must be easier to live beautiful lives when you're posh. TIKRIAUSIAI ‘most probably’ Tikriausiai aristokratams lengviau gyventi gražų gyvenimą. A sharp cry of pain was wrung out of her. She must have fallen right on the injured arm. MATYT ‘seemingly’ Pasigirdo skardus, skausmo kupinas riktelėjimas. Matyt, nugriuvo tiesiai ant sužeistos rankos. That must have been horrible for you. TURĖTI ‘must/have to’ – Tau turėjo būti baisu.
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Correspondences of Ep must in LT orig : adv/verb strategy LT orig : Jie visi su tarbom, maišais, krepšiais. Matyt, grįžta iš kaimo, pasirinkę maisto. (adv) E trans : They're all carrying baskets, bags, and sacks. They must be returning from the village where they got food. (aux)
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Correspondences of Ep must in LT orig ParaCorpLT E% words/ particles (ADV) turbūt ‘probably’17 matyt ‘seemingly’12 ko gero ‘probably’, greičiausiai ‘most probably’, gal ‘perhaps’ etc. 27 verbsturėti ‘must/have to’9 Ø LT35
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Ø correspondences of MUST Ø in LT_transl (omitted) Ø in E_transl (inserted) 25%25%35% SL Hagrid, he said quietly, “I think you must have made a mistake”. Šį vakarą, vairuodamas mašiną Aukštaitijos pusėn, jis pirmą kartą pagalvojo, kad nusipirko namą kartu su Uršulėlės mirtimi. TL - Hagridai, - ramiai tarė jis, - manau, jog suklydote. That night, driving the car in the direction of Aukstaitija, for the first time Vaitkus thought that he must have bought the house together with Ursula's death.
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Ø correspondences Ø LT_transl MAY 22 % MIGHT 20 % COULD 37 % PERHAPS/ MAYBE 9 % Sophie, we both may be in danger. Sofi, mums abiem gresia pavojus.
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Translational paradigms: different degrees of likelihood E - original LT - translation There was no telescreen, but there must be hidden microphones. GALĖTI ‘can/may/might’ Teleekrano nebuvo, bet galėjo būti paslėptų mikrofonų. A few must not have reached their homes yet. GAL ‘maybe’ Gal dar ne visi grįžę. MUST GAL ‘maybe’, GALĖTI ‘can/may/might’ 3 %
Translational paradigms: different degrees of likelihood SLTL “It might be a long time," said O'Brien. MIGHT TIKRIAUSIAI, VEIKIAUSIAI ‘most probably’ TURĖTI ‘have to/ must’ 3 % — Tikriausiai dar negreit, — tarė O'Brajenas. Perhaps that is because Mr. Wren comes here every year! PERHAPS TIKRIAUSIAI, TURBŪT ‘most probably’ 9 % Tikriausiai todėl, kad ponas Renas čia atvyksta kiekvienais metais! Na tai tikriausiai šia suknia vilkėjo elektromagnetinė stebuklinga mergelė Maranela. TIKRIAUSIAI, TURBŪT ‘most probably’ PERHAPS, MAYBE 8 % So, perhaps it was the miraculous electromagnetic maiden, Maranela, who wore this gown. 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
Semantic core of evidentials - inferential source: LT MATYT Direct perception (non-modal) –Matau saulę. ‘I see the sun’ Indirect perception evidential meaning –Iškart matyti, kad esate kūrusi muziką. ‘It is evident that you have created music’ Parenthesis evid- ep modal meaning –Jis, matyt, mirtinai nuobodžiavo. ‘‘Apparently, he was bored to death’ 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Correspondences of MATYT MATYT LT_orig E_transl LT_transl E_orig n=62%n=90% seem/appear/look 20321112 must 7122224 apparently/obviously/evidently 14232932 most likely/probably/no doubt 3522 quite possibly/perhaps 1256 guess/think/suppose 12910 Ø 15241213
Inferential sources & MATYT (1) Evidence inferred from observed results …langelį uždengia blyški paklodė. Matyt, prausis. …the window was covered by a pale sheet. He was obviously going to bathe. …kiemas buvo pilnas žvėrelių. Šitame kelio ruože, matyt, buvo įrengta požeminė perėja žvėreliams. …the yard was full of animals. It seemed that there was an underground pedestrian walkway on this side of the highway. 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
Inferential sources & MATYT (2) Evidence inferred by logical reasoning Pačiam vienam būtų visai prastai. Matyt, ir Vytautas negali likti vienas. If I were left all by myself, it would be much worse. Quite possibly, Vytautas can't stay alone either. 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Summing up Choice of V/ADV strategy –Dominance of mod ADVs in LT fiction correspondence in SL & TL Overlap of ep necessity and possibility in LT –language-specific conceptualization of modal epistemic-inferential necessity (& possibility) –different nuances of evidence different degrees of certainty (Boye & Harder 2009)
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
References Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2004. Evidentiality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boye, Kasper and Peter Harder. 2009. Evidentiality: Linguistic categories and grammaticalization. Functions of Language 16 (1), 9-43. Cornillie, Bert. 2007. Epistemic Modality and Evidentiality in Spanish (semi-) auxiliaries. A Cognitive- functional Approach. Berlin - New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Cornillie, Bert. 2009. Evidentiality and epistemic modality: on the close relationship of two different categories. Functions of Language. 16 (1), 44-32. de Haan, Ferdinand. 1999. Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality: Setting Boundaries. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 18, 83-101. Mortelmans, Tanja. 2000. On the ‘evidential’ nature of the ‘epistemic’ use of the German modals müssen and sollen. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 14, 131-148. Palmer, Frank R. 2001. Mood and modality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pietrandrea, Paola. 2005. Epistemic Modality. Functional Properties and the Italian System. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Plungian, Vladimir A. 2001. The place of evidentiality within the universal grammatical space. Journal of pragmatics 33, 349-357. Simon-Vandenbergen, Anne-Marie and Karin Aijmer. 2007. The Semantic Field of Modal Certainty. A Corpus-Based Study of English Adverbs. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Squartini, Mario. 2004. Disentangling evidentiality and epistemic modality in Romance. Lingua 114 (7), 873-889 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Explanation: change of meaning (Johansson 2001: 238) ’The general background for zero correspondences is the weakened meaning of SEEM.’ (Aijmer 2000): SURELY Grammaticalization+Subjectification: ’unidirectional development from the literal meaning of certainty emphasis a degree of uncertainty.’
14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013 Probability seem in E, SE & NO The findings are in line with results in SE & NO The frequency of zero correspondences of SEEM in the Norwegian text is about 16% (Johansson (2001: 238) Ø correspondences of Swedish particles –VISST (‘?seems’) in English is about 16.9% (Aijmer 1996: 411); –VÄL (‘probably’/‘perhaps’) is 38% (Aijmer 1996: 415);
Ep possibility+ necessity: STRATEGIES AUX / VADV nf/ 1000n EN20194,158601,77 LT1740,598973,02 LL+1044,11-125,68 14-16 November 2013Innovative Information Technologies for Science, Business and Education IIT-2013
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