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Human History. Settlement Patterns How do People live?

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Presentation on theme: "Human History. Settlement Patterns How do People live?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human History

2 Settlement Patterns How do People live?

3 What are the Characteristics of Place?  Look at the pictures and write down everything you see  Use this information to identify broad characteristics a place can have

4 Characteristics of Place  Land  The shape the land takes  Water  Is there water? In what form?  Climate  Long term weather patterns  Natural Resources  Are there natural resources? Renewable or non- renewable  Time  When are we talking about?

5 Human Response  People basically have two options when faced with different environments  Let’s see if you can figure them out by looking at these environments and deciding how you think people would best survive there

6 How might those Characteristics shape human settlement patterns?  What are the characteristics of this place?  How do you think humans might live here?

7 How might those Characteristics shape human settlement patterns?  What are the characteristics of this place?  How do you think humans might live here?

8 How might those Characteristics shape human settlement patterns?  What are the characteristics of this place?  How do you think humans might live here?

9 How might those Characteristics shape human settlement patterns?  What are the characteristics of this place?  How do you think humans might live here?

10 Settlement Patterns Equation  Let’s see if your predictions were accurate  Look at these pictures of people living in different environments, does reality hold up to your predictions?

11 Response to Geography Nomadic Settled Agricultural Forager – Hunter/Gatherer Pastoralist Herder Simple – grow enough for my family Advanced – grow enough to sell or share with my community

12 Nomadic Life  The HadzaHadza

13 Settled Life  Agriculture leads to Civilization

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